PG 13 Very interesting to hear your own variation!
Very interesting to hear your own variation!
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Hello my lovely friends! Thank you so much for all of your comments and ideas for my works, that I sincerely love to receive! Your feedback and great support very helps me and gives me more and more ideas for new works! So I decided to give an opportunity to everyone to share your own ideas, that can come from only the image  that I done. Here I post all the pictures from my last "Waterpark" series. All of it without any story from myself to give you absolute freedom. It will be very interesting for me to hear your own story to this pictures!



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OMG! My Mom and I have been panning our Disney vacation in like forever, and if you can believe it my luggage got swapped with a girls!!!!! Mom said we would have to make the best of it, she said I looked so much like a girl that no one would know. She told me to enjoy my two weeks as as her daughter. Man the girl whose clothes I got is the girlyest girly girl ever! All I have to wear are short summer dresses and lacy little skirts and tops with frilly panties, and girly girl bathing suits!!!! Ack!! Mom helped me tuck my penis and tape it so I look like a girl in my bathing suit! I can't swim so I wear flotation devices and I feel like a girly baby! I only have  Cinderella and Minnie Mouse bathing suits with a Barbie float! Oh and get this, my Mom just told me that she has EXTENDED our vacation and she's glad I get to keep all this girly stuff! Is she nuts, oh my those boys are looking at me, they think I am a cute girl! They are checking out my ass! Oh dear i had better get used to this, I think Mom is really enjoying having me become a girly girl, she is teaching me how to walk and act girly too! Sigh, oh well at least I am finally in Disney land!
Princess Erin
Wow! This is a wonderful story!  Sounds so nice, that I would like to the same thing happened to me in my childhood ;) Thank you for sharing this idea! But it's just interesting - how do you think, Is the boy still forced to be girly even after their returning from vacation? What happen with all this girly stuff, and that his mother would do next? :) 
Well after 3 weeks as a little girl, I am flying home with Mommy, yes she makes me call her Mommy now. All of my girly stuff is packed away in my new luggage and "Mommy" even bought me a new dress to wear home!!
 She bought me a little white sailors dress with a sheer pinafore over it with matching ankle socks and cute girly shoes. My "Rock and roll" hair is now girly girl hair with a little blue bow in it, and I have frilly white panties on!!!
  I told her i did not want to stay a girl and she told me to hush, "You are a natural girl and i am keeping you as a girl sweetie."
   I protested and stated to fuss, but she threatened to spank me and post all our vacation pics on Facebook, so I am wearing the dress as we fly home.....
   And get this......Mommy says we extended our vacation so the renovators could finish our house, she said I was going to love my new Disney princess bedroom!!! 
   Oh and she also is going to take me shopping for a new wardrobe, all girls clothes! I am starting to think she is the one who swapped my luggage in the first place, and now i am trapped in frilly dresses and panties! 
   Gosh I wonder what Mommy has planned next?
I absolutely LOOOOVE youre take on this story!
What do you think about making it into a collaborative effort between you and Princess Erin??? 

I REALLY want to read more and more! 
@ bill6639
  Thanks Bill, so glad you like it. I would be happy to add more if Princess Erin wants me too :)
My english isn't great but I'll make an attempt anyway...

Sis please can we just go home? For some reason this little girl swimsuit makes me feel...ah I don't know why but it keeps me costantly aroused, it's all your fault locked me into this stupid cage I hate it! Please I want to go home, I need RELEASE!
Don't be such a crybaby now, is it my fault that you LOVE so much wearing girly stuff that your clitty gets hard all the time? I don't think so, maybe everything would be much easier for you if you just give up and start to act like a girl, stop whining and have little girl fun!
But sis please I can't resist...
Honey I don't think you can do much with that chastity device on so...look if you complete all your tasks and be a good girl for the rest of the day I will let you wear just  panties and babydoll toninght, WITHOUT any chastity cage on all night! What do you think? Oh and I promise I won't say nothing if next morning we'll found naughty stains on your frilly panties ;)...but remember you have to do your best, smile and BE A GURL!
..oh ok sis, you win (again) If can't fight it I might try to embrace it..I think. Give me some girly toys I'm going to children's play island...
 Aww you're so cute when you obey as a good sissy girl!
Thanks Chiara! Your English is fine. I can only communicate in one language and I admire people who are bilingual.  
Princess Erin
Dear Chiara, you write absolutely to the point! I like your interpretation and your thoughts is so close to mine ;)
Princess Erin
@ KS
  Dear KS, Thank you for your long and well-developed story! It seems to me that you put many effort to done it! Adorable story!
Princess Erin
My dear friends, Many Thanks to all of you! It is so wonderful and pleasant to read you adorable stories! I'm so happy to see that you share exactly what i like and how I think! It is very important for me! Please feel free to write anything else to any of my works and use it as you need. I post some new works soon, and I will be very very greatful to you if you will write something again ;)
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