These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
Site Stats
84,549 Members
265,747 Posts
12,482 Forum Topics
370 Blogs
7,096 Photos
7,774 Gallery Images
1,681 Stories
12 Audios
187 Videos
A summary of it all
  In August 2020 we received over 8 million hits.
*Here is live statistics of* They are made by the well known third party statistics software Webalizer *Here is a link to their website*
We had 351,746,125 hits in 2019! We also had 2,670,743 unique visitors!
  We will always keep being dedicated to bringing our lovely community together. Which also means bringing more hits in for our advertisers as well.
No limits on clicks.
These are different types of ads you can sign up for
Big 379 x 440 banner ads on the post wall
The banner image is 379 pixels, or more, in width, and the height should make the image close to a square. Remember we can make this banner for you for free if you request it.
This is a new ad spot!
We just got a post wall on the entrance of the site, and it's a part of many other areas of the site as well. It's the main place people go on our site because it brings almost all of the site to one page. It displays the latest topics at the entrance, the latest posts on the latest activity page, it also displays the forums, galleries, stories, audios, and videos.
This ad randomly takes the place of a post on the post wall. It's also as BIG as the posts are.
It also rotates with other advertisers with each page reload. People view a lot of pages each time to see the latest posts at the entrance, in forums, galleries etc. with the post wall. A new page shows up if they want to see 15 more posts. Which means people scroll through them a lot! These just can't be animated since they're so big, and in an active area. It may present internet connection issues with some of our visitors.
This type of ad is $10 per month.
Horizontal 468 x 60 banner ads
These are 468 pixels in width, and 60 pixels in height.
  The ads are displayed on every page, and on the main pages of topics they are right below the first post of the topic. This includes our very active forum, our gallery!
The ads will rotate with other advertisers with each page reload. When we have many hits a day the ad will have many chances to display.
This type of ad is $10 per month.
Vertical 155 x 625 Side Bar Banner Ads
The banner size is a large tower banner at 155 pixels in width maximum, and 625 pixels in height maximum! Remember we can make banners for you for free if you don't have one, and can't make one.
This type of ad displays on every page on Sissy Kiss, except for profiles since those are completely customizable for our members. They also show up on every page load, so it's is displayed 100% of the time. This means it is not in rotation with other advertisers.
If you go with a vertical side bar banner, you get a horizontal banner spot, and email text ad spot for free!
This type of ad is $50 dollars a month.
Email Text Ads
Our members have email subscriptions for all sorts of features on Sissy Kiss like notifications for when they receive a private message from one of their friends, updates from a forum, topic, or member they are interested in, when someone sends them a friend invitation, when someone comments on their blog, photos, or profile, and when someone subscribes to their post.
The email ads are right below the link they press to go see what they want, and it's very visible!
The name of your site would be in big letters, and a description can be right below it. When someone presses anywhere around the ad they are sent to your site.
The amount of advertisers that can be displayed in emails is limited. We currently have 5 spots available!
Views, and clicks on email ads can't be recorded since there is no way for a website's code to read your email. This would be a humungous security hole, so it's actually a good thing they can't, and this is still a great ad spot! Views, and clicks will say 0 while your ad is displaying even though it is getting coverage.
This type of ad is $10 per month.
  Multiple ads If you wanted more than one ad to show you can by signing up with the form below more than once for any type of ad, and making more then one subscription. You can have one of each type of ad, or any combination you would like. It's 1 ad per subscription, and if you had 3 ads that would triple the amount of coverage the banner ads get. Four ads would quadruple it, and so on. You can make additional subscriptions on the page you go to after signing up at the form at the bottom of the page.
People visit because..
○ We give them amazing communities, chat rooms, and blogs.
○ We have a large story forum full of fun, and sexy sissy stories.
○ We also have a large gallery full of fun, and sexy captioned photos.
○ They can make their own fully customizable profile page.
○ People with a unique and very sweet interest people into the same thing.
○ There is many features for dating.
  To add to that we give it all to them for free and next to your ads we give an encouraging message letting them know that all of these features are brought to them for free by you. So it will help alot to visit your site.
We are sticking around
  Have a stable Ad Space Provider for a lifetime.
  Sissy Kiss will always continue to blossom, think of new ways to bring our fun community together and that means think of new ways to give our advertisers exposure. If your looking for a stable place that won't go away next year you found it and you haven't seen anything yet.
Banner details
  For banner ads you will be able upload a banner from your computer. Banners may be submitted as a GIF, a JPEG, a PNG file.
  We can make a banner ad for you if you don't have one and don't know how to make one. We have many advertisers where we made banners for them.
  If you have a banner in a more girly style it will be more likely to get clicks or a banner with more pastel like colors.
  You can get even more hits and sales by offering a discount or free gift for anyone that mentions Sissy Kiss when they purchase something from your site, if its the kind of site where your looking for sales. You can let them know on your banner.
  A way you can boost your hits is to switch your banner with a new banner every other month or so. Its a wonderful way to keep attracting the attention of the frequent visitors. You can switch banners easily after signing up! There is an uploader you can drag, and drop files into, or browse your computer for them.
Payment Methods
  On the PayPal page you can pay securely with just a Credit Card, an Electronic Transfer from your bank account or a PayPal account. You can join no matter where you live and PayPal will automatically convert most different currencies for you. (yen, pounds, etc.)
  We accept almost any site but please no sites with any hateful or illegal content. It is perfectly fine if it is an 18 or over site. If you are wondering if your site qualifies please email the us before joining.
Make A New Ad
You can select a type of ad below, and then fill in the details to make an account. After pressing "Continue" you will be brought to a secure PayPal page that accepts both credit card payments, and payments from your PayPal account if you have one. After a subscription is made you can create the ad.
You can create multiple ads after you made your account, and you are signed in. To do that just keep returning to this page after each new ad is made, selecting new ads, and making a subscription for each one.
The currency is USD
You can click here to change the currency
Click here to select this ad
Post Wall Ad
This banner ad needs to be a maximum of 379 pixels in width, and 500 pixels in height.
A Month
Click here to select this ad
Horizontal Banner Ad
This banner ad needs to be a maximum of 468 pixels in width, and 60 pixels in height.
A Month
Click here to select this ad
Large Vertical Sidebar Ad
This banner ad needs to be a maximum of 155 pixels in width, and 625 pixels in height.
A Month
Click here to select this ad
Email Text Ad
This is a text only ad that displays a link to your site, which has the name, and description of the site.
A Month
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Can you answer these things below? This will
check if you are human, and not a spam bot.
What is this?
Baby Chick
What is this?
Hair Bow
Jelly Fish
Eiffel Tower
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Remote Control
What kind of post would you like to make?
To post certain kinds of posts, like images, audios, or videos you need to be signed in first.