    We're femmes in the LGBT+ community who take sissy as a compliment, like how techies take geek as a compliment, and LGBT+ people take queer as a compliment. Sissy started as a loving & affectionate word for sister, and it was later used in a sexist way from people who believed men can't be feminine, which is why we take it as a compliment, because being femme, no matter your gender, or sex is not a bad thing.
    The sissy community is different than how people are born transgender. Our community is a beautifully diverse mix of cis, trans, and non-binary people. It means different things to them, even down to the individual, but the sissy community is mostly about the love and attraction to being femme. Gender identity and kink are different things. Just as drag queens are not the same as being born transgender. Being trans is innate and not a choice, confirmed by science, and every trans person. It's also a valid form of gender, just like a cis men and women, trans men are men and trans women are women.
    The sissy community is closer to gender expression, which is not tied to sex or gender identity. No matter how unique, it's something that's beautiful to be out and proud of when it doesn't harm others and makes you happy! Living femme also doesn't mean we are weak or submissive. Though some sissies may also be into dom/sub kinks and tie it to how they love to be a sissy, which is also completely valid. When someone loves to be femme it doesn't imply they believe in making it a gender role, and that's not what the sissy community is about. Many women don't fit into that category.
    We are a large community site to bring people from all over the world together so they can have a place to find each other, give support, and have fun! Check out our lovely forum, and invite people so other sissies can find us!
    Our dating site is FantaSissy.com.
    Sissy Kiss is also for variations of sissies like sissy babies, sissy littles, sissy maids, sissy bunnies, sissy kittens, and more! These are just some of the things we have:
    ♡ A Forum.
    ♡ An Image Gallery.
    ♡ Sissy Stories.
    ♡ Sissy Videos, and Audios.
    ♡ A completely customizable profile. Drag, and drop everything, upload images, etc.
    ♡ Have a fabulous place to make blogs.
    ♡ Find friends who are into the same things you are, and add them.
    ♡ ...along with many other things to do!
Site Stats
84,549 Members
265,747 Posts
12,482 Forum Topics
370 Blogs
7,096 Photos
7,774 Gallery Images
1,681 Stories
12 Audios
187 Videos
These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
The Latest Members
Sissy Baby Girls ~ Adult Baby Girls are women that love to be in touch with their inner baby girl. Which can also be called AB or infantilism. So sissy baby girls are people who love being a sissy, and an AB girl.
Sissy Littles ~ Sissy littles inner child can also be some years past being a baby, but they can also be AB girls. They also have these acronyms: MDLG (Dominant Mommy / Little Girl), DDLG (Dominant Daddy / Little Girl), CGLG (Care Giver / Little Girl), LGLG (Little Girl / Little Girl).
    ...and there are also sissy kittens, sissy maids, and many more! The list goes on, and on because it can be different with each individual.
We had 264,542,488 hits in 2017! We also had 1,782,184 unique visitors!
    Love being sugar spice & everything nice? You are not alone at all sweetie! We will always keep being dedicated to bringing our lovely community together!
Sissy Kiss History
♡ February 14, 2005 ~ Sissy Kiss started on Valentines Day. It wasn't a community site yet. It had sissy art & a gallery, poems, graphic dolls, and links to other sissy sites.
♡ August 01, 2005 ~ Sissy Kiss got a forum, and was on its way to being a community site!
♡ August 29, 2005 ~ Sissy Kiss got it's own domain (SissyKiss.com), and we've been blossoming as a community site ever since!
♡ Sissy Kiss recieved over 31 million hits in our first official full year!
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These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
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