All XXX New picture needs a caption!
New picture needs a caption!
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Hello my friends! 
I just finished my last artwork for you, and I decided to make an unusual turn. 
Usually I write a caption by myself, but now I want you all together could help me finish this work! 
Please, feel free to write your own caption to this picture! 
I am very interested to see different variations from you! 
Thanks a lot!

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4 P's - Padded Princess Pony Plug
Princess Erin
Exactly! Perfect title for this stuff! I think it can be a complete package in some kind of sissy baby shop :) Thank you!
I will pass on this one, I hope you not mind Princess Erin? Of recent I have had two quite bad almost near serious presure build up in my head with physical head swelling. Even if I not had that problem, I have a set of images that need to be made into captions, so I have my work cut of for me at the moment, I will get those done when I can, health permitting that is. and then take a break, once I have posted them.

I could have over don eit with how much I have already posted so far, I am not sure what has caused the presure build up, it is very worrying to find my head had swollen up, that has gone for the time being, and I only feel what is left over from the pressure that had been in my head, so, right now, I feel it best and wise for me to rest before I start doing anything. I hope you will be able to understand?

Hugs & Kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Princess Erin
Oh! Dear Amy, of course it's not a problem!
I understand your situation. Your health must be primarily important!
I very hope you will feel better soon!
Take care of yourself!
Something sometime play on your pony, something something stay dry and I might end this, something something fail and more baby girl stuff, something something toy up you butt, something something up and down, something something looks like someone's wet and you stay a girl.
Princess Erin
Wow, Looks like a lullaby! Thank you LoveFox! It's very inspiring!
Well baby, since you wont tinkle in your nappies like the little girl you are it seems mommy will get another way for you to fill your nappies. You wont get changed until your nice and sticky wet. So keep bouncing baby!
a new me teehee
Princess Erin
Awesome story! I love it very much! - Probably I could write something similar, if I was finishing this caption by myself ;) Thank you, Jessybaby!
Baby Butch
Your were not specific Princess Erin when you said you wanted to go to the toy store. I took you to the adult toy store honey. I bought you the toy and expect you to use it. Yes you will wear the pull up and ride the pony.

His sister said with a smile!
Princess Erin
Waaaahaaa! It's unfair! You got me! This nasty toy will be pushing while I will bounce, and it will be so tickling inside me - I'm afraid I won't be able to hold myself, so I'll wet my girly pull-ups! Boohoo!
When you agreed to play a game with me, I bet you didn't expect it to get this humiliating little brother? Oh sorry, that's little sister now. Now here are the rules. You need to rock on your little rocky horse up and down with that little dildo in your ass until you make a number three mess in your princess diapers. Then we can take it off and change you into a new diaper and get you dressed for your trip to the park. Oh, and don't forget to smile, I am recording this. I have to show my girlfriends after all. Oh? Did you make a mess already? Well keep going until you do it again, that was too quick. ;)
Do not stop believing in something, lest it cease to exist forever.
Princess Erin
Recording??? Oh my god! I hope you won't show this record to my schoolmates! Please! I'll be agree for everything you offer! If somebody at my school will know about this - then everyone will know! Oooh! Aaah! It seems like I'm close to next mess! *bouncing faster*
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