All R Superman V's The Witch Of Krypton. Part 1
Superman meets a myth from his own planet, bent on destroying everything in her path, but can he stop her?
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Authors Notes:

For the very first time, a true, or near as to what I am able to make, Comic. While Sissy Baby Alan In Sissy Baby Wonderland was a comic of a sort, it was not in the true style of one, like what I have done here. This comic is a complete work of fiction and does not represent any real DC Comic in publication.

The DC Logo and the Superman Logo and The Character of Superman and all other characters of the Superman Universe are all copyright of DC Comics. (All Except for Siren. The Witch Of Krypton.)

This comic was made by me using the following resources. FotoSketcher (Freeware Software) Google Image Search. SketchUp, MS Paint & Power Point.

Some images are digital art converstions from orginal Superman the Movie Stills that have been turned into cartoon to oil like painting effect done by the FotoSketcher Sotware Program, some comic images are from actual comics. All other images are of real places/locations or stills from the Superman Movie and a few digital art renders as found in Google Image Search.

The story of the comic is of my own work. If you like this comic and if you all would like to see more comics like this, please say so in your comments, that would be much appreciated, as well as please bear in mind everything that I have mentioned before actually leaving me a comment, thank you.

PS. This comic is to be read by the following order:

Top left, to top right, middle left to middle centre/right and from bottom left to bottom right.
Baby Butch
Just what Superman did not need. A witch sticking her pointed nose into his life and causing problems. Wow what an excellent cover page setting the scene for this comic story. Part one is sensational and yes it looks like a comic.

Smiles, Love, and Hugs      
Fank you Baby Butch for the lovely and high praised comment. I'm nearly almost speachless. *Looks around trying to find where my voice went to.* *Giggles.*

Wow, what can I say? If like like The cover and part one of this comic so much Baby Butch, you forgot one thing, the kisses. Please add those to show how much you like it too please.

Yep, this really does look more like a comic fanks to, two things. My small collection of Blank Comic Strip Images to use which I have been wanting to use to make a proper comic with, for a very, very long time. But this whole comic would not have been really possible without my new and all important progwam.

PhotoSketcher, it allows anyone to make a cartoon of themself from a photograph. Though I need to point out dat that the quality of the photograph needs to be goood, or the cartoon effect willl not turn out too well.

Photo Sketcher does more than cartoonify people from photographs, it has a special unique feature thatat allows people who can't even draw to create beautiful art pieces with no complications or drawing abilities required.

Some may say that this is cheating or not proper art and they are entitled to that view point/opinion. Personally I think it is a most useful and wonderful invention/feature using only one click of the mouse and the feature in PhotoSketcher does all of the work for you turning a photo image into a cartoon or a an oil painting etc.

There is a wide range of different effects. from Pencil Sketch Effect to all manner of so many other effects, one truly is spoilt forchoice. So the program is so much more than just a cartoonifyer.

I urge anyone and evreyone to give the program a try, if they do no like it, that's okay, but for anyone that does like it, will find it to be the most best and valuable art program that they could ever have. It's totally free and it's use of effects are all part of the free software, with no need to upgrade etc.

Since this comic has not as many parts as my SketchUp Tutorial, you will be glad to know Baby Butch, that I will be able to without any problems etc. Post each part each day. I wont spoil things saying how many parts exactly there is.

Just remeber to stay tunned and we will be right back at the same Sissy Baby time on the Same Sissy Baby Channel. *Giggles.*

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
@ PetBabyAmy

Sorry I forgot the kisses again. I don't always seem to remember that. I have been coming back and adding them later when I forget. Like I just added 5 kisses here!

@ Baby Butch
  No problem Baby Butch,I'm always forgetting stuff. Now where did I put all of my frilly plastic panties? Oh wait! I'm wearing them all, yep all of them. *Giggles*

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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