R How I Made The Bonus Image. Parts 4-6
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How I Made The
Bonus Image
Part 4

How I Made The
Bonus Image
Part 5

How I Made The
Bonus Image
Part 6


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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Baby Butch
One thing for sure is that this is too complicated to want to try Sketch up. It must take a long time to make 1 cappie. Then again I am used to Paint and already know the program very well. I like what you have shown here about putting the dress on the man.

Amendment to Image 2: Rotate Tool does the same job as the Move tool, but I meant to say the Move Tool. Sorry In advance for any confusion. Sometimes with some models using the move tool on those red +'s is better and easier to use to rotate models than the Rotate Tool itself.

For me it is, I guess it's a preferrance thing, while I am sure others will say that the Rotate Tool to be easier and better to use.

Update 2: This tutorial and it's pervious ones: From Hunk To Sissy is not for any beginners to SketchUp. Sorry, my bad, I should have mentioned that from the start. Due to certain contitions I had at the time, I was unable to think of this before now.

The hardest part was doing the tutorial while under those conditions, back then I did not know what I know now, so at the time I did not know if those conditions were going to be perminant or not. My hope was not, but if it had been a perminant thing, learning how to get around such conditions would have been important rather than me not posting at all. Something like that would have to be very serious to prevent/stop me from posting.

Lastly, for anyone interested in using SketchUp, I am going to at some point do tutorial for the absolute beginner, doing a basic swimming pool, no diving board, no ladders going into the pool itself. Just the pool by itself, fully textured an easy rectangal shape as the best starting ground rather than do a basic house.

Depending on general interest or lack thereof. I will or wont post any further tutorials, as it would be a complete waste of my time to post them here, if there is not enough interest. If you are still interested Baby Butch, I will email the basics to you. (Please read my comment to your reply)


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
I am wondering if you misunderstood my comment. It was a compliment to your ability to use Sketch Up which appears complicated after viewing all the Tutorials.

I hope you are not upset since you replied differently than usual. You forgot the Love, Hugs, and Kisses. Also you did not mention my comment or respond to what I said.

No problem that you said Rotate Tool instead of Move Tool since they do the same thing. I did forget to add Hugs but that was because I left those replying to your comment on the cappies I made for you.

I am happy you liked those! Hugs Baby Butch : )
@ Baby Butch
  Baby Butch, pwease fwogib Sissy Baby, mes made a bit of a boo boo. Mes shuds hab put Update in my above post, it was not a direct weply to your comment. Mes hab corrected dat now. Only da dwawing around objects in an image and all of da scaling and moving the models isth twuly da most complicated part of SketchUp.

It better to do da updates in Adult Talk fwo all to be able to understand and wead it. Fwo da most part SketchUp isth twuly easy form by it's use of easy and simple tool set. Pwease no fwoget, mes said in one of da previous tutorials about SketchUp dat it's not weally all about habing to dwaw fings in SketchUp.

There are also add ons people can get direct fwom da SketchUp Warehouse, fings wike door and window makers, special prgrams dat makes door and window frames fwo example fwo doing buildings dat need doors and windows, without da need to dwaw dem even wifs da rectangle tool.

SketchUp is weally all dependant on what anyone weally wants/needs to use it fwo, everyone is going to hab a different use of SketchUp pwease no worry about what ooo can or cannot do in SketchUp, who knows, maybe ooo might find a different use fwo it, if it's weally useful in some way, even a small one, mes wub not call dat a misuse of da pwogram or a waste of it.

Not everyone can be a wery good 3D Model maker, den again, no one has to be so. Getting enjoyment and fulfillment out of doing anyfing is da most important fing of all.

Mes hopeth what mes hab said helps, if only in a smalll way.



'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
@ PetBabyAmy

 Well I guess I made a mistake too thinking that was a Reply to me since I am the only one commenting. I would have figured it out had you put Update.

Also I just did not notice it was in white which is a new Reply. No problems here I am glad you are OK. I understand now and did eventually think maybe that was not a Reply to me after all.

Thanks but there is no need to explain more by emails. Like I said in the beginning I don't have Sketch Up. I will read along to see how you do your cappies.

Have a great day! Hugs Baby Butch : )
@ Baby Butch
  Baby Butch fank ooo fwo da comment, its much appreciated. Mes can telll ooo how to find SketchUp if ooo's interested in twying it, if not. Dat's okay. Oh, by da way hab ooo noticed somefing new and different about my Signiture?

Mes hopeth ooo wike it, mes going to post parts 7-9 injust a moment.

Wuv, huggles & kwisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
@ PetBabyAmy

Yes I did notice the name tag added to your signature. I click on it and it becomes bigger. Yes I like it too!

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