R How I Make My Special Captions (Part 5)
A Behinde The Scenes Look Of How I Do My Speciall Image Alterations for my Captions
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From Hunk To Sissy Part 13:

From Hunk To Sissy Part 14:

From Hunk To Sissy Part 15:

This is not the end. Oh No... Far from it. To Be Continued.... *Giggles* All jokes aside, there is actually more to come, as I hipe that you are by now eager to know how I exactly managed to get that ever so cute and girly swimsuit on him, there is more to that process than mentioned so keep watching this space.

If I had shown the swimsuit and how I did that etc. sooner. Then the reveal and the surprise would not have worked at all. The final image is a Bonus Image too and it completes this part of the tutorial, next up will be the tutorial about the bonus image of the swimsuit and the guy wearing it looks so seamless, as though all being all one part of the actual model. Am I right?

To help, the upcoming tutorial will be named as: How I made The Bonus Image. Keep watching we will be back at the same Sissy Baby Time on the same Sissy Baby Channel. *lol*


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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Baby Butch
Have you been watching Batman, LOL. Same bat time, same bat channel. GIGGLES

I am amazed how good this turned out. The sissy bathing suit looks great on the muscular male. I think it came out perfect and the text is needed.

I assume by what you say you created the swimsuit in some manner. Will wait and see how that was done.

Hugs Baby Butch : )
Fank you Baby Butch, I hope that this reply will show up. Sorry to report, I made a comment on one of your captions while it shows I have visited, my image in what's new to your post, my comment however, is nowhere to be seen, so I made as econd one and poof!

That one does not seem to be showing. Did I acidently use the Invisablity Bat Spray? *Giggles* So glad that you got the Batman referrence in my joke. Yep, I did watch most of the old camp Batman TV series and the movies too.

Yep, I had to make the swimsuit too, I will post that how part as soon as I am well, I'm not so good today. I nearly forgot, so will add here, thank you for your comment. it's much appreciated, there is more to come.

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
Rest and relax as needed. Thanks for pointing out the missing comment. I saw under What's New you commented but I can not see it either.

If you look at my comment and Meisababy's it is only a number. I reported this one to Christie for a "fix up". I rebuilt the thread yesterday and said so in a new reply.

That did not show up either. It is one of those undeleted threads. I won't do any more of them! *Hugs*
@ Baby Butch
  Fank You Baby Butch, sorry I could not reply earlier. Will send you a message here about that.

A heads up for evreyoen here, I will be absent from sk for the next few days, it coud be weeks, sory for being vague, circumstances I not wish to go into here publically, basically have put me  in a situation where I cannot for the time beign post and be active here, not until at least as the sayign goes,m the coast is clear, that is all I can say. Sorry...

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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