I feel that a more visual step by step of how and what I do to be a more better and interesting I hope, way of me sharing on how I do the guys in girly swimsuits etc. Images. I will be posting this special How To, if you will in stages, this here is part one of the first stage of how I do the images as mentioned. Please do let me know what you think, etc. Thank you.
First I find a good image of A guy that I want to alter and open up Sketchup Make, for those of you who do not know what that is or what it looks like. Here is the screen shot of it.
SketchUp Make Work Surface:

Part two will cover how I use an image as a texture, then alter the image of the guy from wearing swimming trunks to wearing a swimsuit. For now, I will give the basics, I use the image that I need, as a texture in SketchUp, then I draw around that image, I alter it and then I do a screen capture of the finished alteration, for that, I use Microsoft Paint/MS Paint
Microsoft Paint/MS Paint:

PC Keyboard Help Guide:

Be sure to comment please and be ready for part two