R How I Make My Special Captions. (Part 1)
A Behinde The Scenes Look Of How I Do My Speciall Image Alterations for my Captions
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Hi everyone, this is a very special post that I want to share with you all, as well as encourage creative people and show how how I do my Image Alterations, which I feel better than an explanation I once gave here all in text.

I feel that a more visual step by step of how and what I do to be a more better and interesting I hope, way of me sharing on how I do the guys in girly swimsuits etc. Images. I will be posting this special How To, if you will in stages, this here is part one of the first stage of how I do the images as mentioned. Please do let me know what you think, etc. Thank you.

First I find a good image of A guy that I want to alter and open up Sketchup Make, for those of you who do not know what that is or what it looks like. Here is the screen shot of it.

SketchUp Make Work Surface:

Part two will cover how I use an image as a texture, then alter the image of the guy from wearing swimming trunks to wearing a swimsuit. For now, I will give the basics, I use the image that I need, as a texture in SketchUp, then I draw around that image, I alter it and then I do a screen capture of the finished alteration, for that, I use Microsoft Paint/MS Paint

Microsoft Paint/MS Paint:

PC Keyboard Help Guide:

Be sure to comment please and be ready for part two


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Baby Butch
You sure did a good job of explaining this. I am wondering if you resized the image to make the screen shot smaller? The process worked for me on the first attempt.

The Screen Shot in Paint was quite large so I reduced it to 60%. I cropped off the extra white space afterward. I did not know how to do this but vaguely remember screen shots from Microsoft Word. I think you can print a screen shot too.

Ta Daa! Sissy Kiss log-in page with new images. Text blurred after I reduced the size. Look forward to more and will eventually use this.

Hugs Baby Butch : )

Please note that I don't have sketch Up and can't do all that you can. I am happy to learn this part.

Do you see the X's on your images? I do and there are 6 of them. If I click one they go to error page. There is one on top and below each image.

I see these after you post a cappie and have been deleting them. After doing this your cappie showed in New Images 3 of the last 4 times I tried this. For some reason it did not work on your recent Swim Pool cappie.
Fank you Baby Butch for the comment, it's much appreciated, and for explainign about the Coming Out Pool Party post, though that is odd that it not show up. Not to worry about it, I think that it be safe to say those glitches won't be showing up again after I had sent for the Incredible Hulk. *Giggles*

The SketchUp Part is sort of a Tutorial, but not completely, it's more of a visual expereince I wish to share in showing everyone here how I made the guys in the swm suits and frilly plastic pants cappies.

Anyone that wants or wishes to learn how to use SketchUp can if they want use the SketchUp Tutorial parts to try the instrunctions for themselves and are free to contact me if they discover any problems. I do hope that you will comment onthe other parts, that go into more about the SketchUp, not to learn it, just for general interst in the method of how I use different programs to make that help me make those special captions.

I am so happy that I helped to remind you about the screen capture, it is the best and simplest method to use without any real compliccation or complexed screen capture programs, nedded to do the screen capture. It all does depend on your monitor/TV size I have a TV/Monitor combind

With the maximum of 1920x1080p and when I put an image in MS Paint it is never blurred, so I do nto know if what you described inyour comment an MS paint problem or a screen size problem. To help make the image be slightly smaller, I use FastStone but any Image Editing Program with a crop tool will do the same job. I crop from top of the image and leave out the screen captured part of the task bar at the bottom

After the crop I save the image and it saves as it's new reduced size of 1920x1033p other than this, I not need to alter the size of the screen capture in MS Paint. I hope this info helps too Baby Butch? I am so thrilled to hear that you will be using screen capture a lot more often, I can't imagine how I would be able to do things without it.

Its the most valuable thing to learn, the most easiest to learn as it's exactly the same Ctrl & V combo that controls the copy and paste function, the other way to do it for those who prefer doing it that way. For me the right click and chosing copy in the drop down menu as well as paste, is easier, but it might not be so for other people.

Happy Screen Capturing Baby Butch, I will be posting part 2 of this How To soon. I feel that the explanation that I gave onhow I do the special cappies to be too complicated and also I actually forgot an all important rule. Not an official one exactly and peopel do learn differently.

For me, I feel any way and best way to learn anything is by being shown how something is done, rather than being told how something is done, simply because every action etc. can be seen therefore, it's easier for the person learning to be able to relate to what not only what they are being told, but also what they are being shown at the same time. Which at least to me, makes perfect sense, hence why it is the best method in which to learn, but I am not saying it is the only or right way or method to learn.

Everyone all has his or her own way of learning things, no matter how or the method they use  in which to learn, as so long as they are happy with the way that they learn, they should keep to that and not let anyone esle tell them that the way, that they are doing it, to be wrong etc. But this is just all how I feel and think personally about such things.

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
@ PetBabyAmy

I am interested in learning more about Sketch Up even though I don't have it. I have another program called Photos. I thought it was just another viewer but I can do a lot with it.

Can't make cappies but I can sure edit and change a Photo. I can even make it a black and white. The best thing about it is I can add brightness, contrast, increase color, or do an auto fix on the image. *Smiles from Baby Butch*
@ Baby Butch
  Fank you for the comment Baby Butch, I was planning to post part two of this yesterday, but unfortunately the presure in my head increased and I simply had to rest take 4xNurophens and 4xKALMS Anti Stress tablets and get of to bed, the tablest and the sleep helped, strangely enough laughter helps too, hence my humour, though I can get naturally giddy and funny too, either way it is all good for me, I always feel better after a really good giggle or two.

I can only speak from my own expereince with SkethUp, wehn I first tried it, back when it was simply Goggle SketchUp Version 6 on my old Pentium 2 and half processer computer, it was a few something or another away from bieng a Pentium 3. A Custom Made by a friend of friend who builds computers, he got it as close to what was possible to fit the computer shell with, to it having almost a pentium 3.

To have a pentium 4 processer put in would have cost more than what I could afford way back then. Any way, I so did not get it at all, SketchUp that is, I just managed to figure out how to a sloped roof top to make a TADIS with, boot the SketchUp 6 kept crashing on my computer to many times and I learned later on it runs better with a processor chip of Pentium 4 or higher.

I evetnaully was able to get a computer with a Pentium 4 Processor and by then SketchUp was in it's 7th release. I had completely forgotten how I did the slanted roof, I nearly almost half gave up and nearly have my room mate remove SketchUp all together, but somewhere in the back of my mind
made me stop, during this time I had tried other so called easy to use 3D modelling programs, which were not easy at all.

But what is is for one personof course does not mean it's easy for another person. SketchUp I feel is as close it can be, though I feel it could get closer to being a true easy to use program for all learning levels and difficulties of learning.

It's at the moment almost close to that, not quite completely, but I do not know if Trimble who took over Google SketchUp, plan on making other functions in SketchUp more siplified to use. I feel some more extra shapes etc. could be made to help even the most complete novice build and learn and not get too frustrated etc.

Patience is key as well as a decent level of observational skills, the tols are basic, but that is what I like about the program, no complicated need to put in x or y axis numerical values to control objects etc in the program. The Push/Pull tool in a click and drag contorl motion, turns flat shapes into instant solid 3D objects.

Drawing a straight line across from one end to the othre is colour coded and it it wil be either red or green, notonly that there are nice little handy dots, blue for centre points creen for end points and red for all other points, each tool is clickable and then it is a case of holding down on the left click and move the mouse up, down, right or left.

By observing how eash tool works,even if it should go wrong, rather than panic or get upset about it, those wrong things can act as a guide and a reminder what not to do, even I still get things wrong sometimes in SketchUp, though I have perfected my use of it over the many years I had the program and have experimented with each tool, that's key too. Experimentation, as that way, you can make mistakes, and since it is only an experiment, there's nothing to worry aobut.

The experimentation within itself, really helps and is a very good learning curv, so when it does come to actually wnating to make something, you already have a basic idea of how to use some of the tools in SketchUp. If everything in SketchUp was not a click and drag controlled feature for each tool, I would have not kept the program, some peopel can draw well with a mouse, I can't, but with SketchUp, no one has to actually draw anything.

Nearly all of my models start out and from as Rectangle shapes apart from things that need to be curved, I use the Arc Tool for drawing curved lines. I decent good steady hand helps, but not it not a complete requirement, I would not say I have perfect mouse control, the tools work in a true simplified form
everything else is down to how a person uses the mouse.

Compared to oterh 3D programs that I have tried and let's not forget I am learning disabled and what I can do with SkethUp is quite remarkable and I do even surprise my self, that's not ego etc. I really do, because I think to myself, no way can I do that or this in SketchUp, until I try it and I may not get it in my first try.

I have what I call the Two P's Approach to SketchUp. Patience and Perserveriance. To truly use SketchUp, for anyone truly serious about wanting to use it etc. trust me it requires a whole lot of both, a good tempriment also helps, many mistakes will be made along the way, and I have made penty.

Somtimes there are going to be moments when things will get very frustrating, when that happens, to me, I just save my work and leave it, come back to it the next day with a clear head and a fresh start to my problem, when a problem can't be solved, deleting the entire model while is not ideal, if deletion is the only way, then it has to be doen and starting off from scratch again may seem a little annoying, but it always pays off in the end.

All in all SketchUp is as near as it is probably ever going to be, suitbable for all learnining types, nothing else as yet, as far as I know off and am aware of too, comes close to being that. I have an unusal learning disability, though that really depends on how some one looks at it etc. All I can say is that it's not so straight forward, also what even I find to be easy, could be hard, even very difficult for someone else.

I know that not absolutely all will be able to know or how to use SketchUp, which is why I said in places it could do with being a bit more simplified. Sad to say, like I said, so far SketchUp is as simple and as easy to use than any ohther 3D drawing/modelling program anywhere.

I am glad that I stuck with getting to learn, watch, observe how each tool works, when things go wrong, that helps too, turning a negative moment into something positive and doing that is by no means easy, but with a lot of practice etc. It really does get easier.

Love hugs & kisses


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