PG Coming Soon! Sol (New Music Album)
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Amy Sadler

It has been a long time since I made a music album the last one made was in August of 2013. Aurora 3. I have wanted to be able to do another music album, but one much more closer to the kind of music I have always wanted to make. I came close with having the KORG microKORG XL. And I am still very happy with that.

However, I knew and have said as much that I felt that I would need at least a full sized Synthesizer, as a means of a more realistic way to make my dream come true. One that I could use in combination with my KORG.

What I eventually found was more than what I could have ever possibly hoped for, but surprisingly, that came not in the form of a full sized synthesizer. However, much like my KORG it is small, in fact the same size as my KORG microKORG XL. Yet mighty in what it can do and the synth that I found can do so, so much more than even what my KORG can do. Say hello to the Novation XioSynth 25 Synthesizer.

(The Novation XioSynth 25 Synthesizer)

This synthesizer can alter the many different sound banks that it has on board, with an array of special altering knobs, more than the ones that the XL has. Not only that, it has a pitch bend Joy Stick and a unique touch pad system that can do things a whole lot more than any pitch bend wheel or Modulation Wheel can ever do.

Like The XL, this synthesizer can be connected to a computer where even more things can be done with it, via the use of it's special interface via the computer, via a USB lead from the computer to the XioSynth. Sol will be my 10th Music album once it is complete, with this synthesizer I will be making new music. Sol being the first and I hope of many combined with the XL. Other new music albums to come.

I can't see why not, like I said, it has everything I could ever hope or ask for, something that normally comes in a full sized synthesizer with a full range of keys. The XioSynth also has as well an X-Bator, that acts and sounds a bit like the Arpeggiator, only that is slightly different and has many different ways of being controlled. Also on-board are sounds that you will only find existing on synthesizers of the 70's and 80's, ones that you wont find on a more modern synthesizer.

Along with X-Gator is also a standard Arpeggiator, all in all Sol is going to be my most best music album, it is to that goal I shall work towards and keep doing work of my best performance. Along with Sol, once it is complete, I plan to make a special music album entitled The Best So Far. This will be celebration album of only but the very most very best liked pieces of my work, such as Aurora Part 2. For example.

However these tittles will be slight reworks of the original ones for the special celebration, because for me personally 10 music albums is quite an achievement to reach, even if that is not more than what most well known music artists produce. I am no professional of any kind, I am for the most part a one handed player, but what I can play with one hand or slightly with two shows that I can produce very good music.

Though don't take my word for that. Aurora Part 2 and other titles that I have composed have high views on YouTube some titles have fewer views, but that is okay. Of the ones that do have high views shows that people do like my work. I feel grateful happy, honoured that some of my music work has been so well received on YouTube, I may not be the first, but I do hope that I am among if only a few, Sissy Adult Baby Music Artist/Composer that there is out there.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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