R A 3D Frilly Dress For Christie Luv
3D Art, Frilly Dress. Made, Using SketchUp
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 PVC Frilly Dress: (Front)

PVC Frilly Dress: (Side)

PVC Frilly Dress: (Back)

The above model was made originally a few years back, based on my own actual PVC Frilly Dress, as seen in my profile. After finding a way of how to do frilly Plastic Pants using SketchUp, I wanted to try doing a Dress, clothing in SketchUp can be made, there are diferent ways to do this. Some are easy to do, others are hard.

Also how the program works etc. Is the true source behind how anything can be made, this fact very much does control what can and can't be done, using SketchUp. Mostly on the whole the physics of SketchUp while simple, are technical too and work in a very speciffic way.

My actual very first atempt at doing a dress turned out way too silly. Just for you Christie Luv and everyone too, before I delete the actual model itself, a screen shot of that dress.

First Attempt 3D Dress:

I hope you can see clearly why this idea and approach did not work so well. Then I thought, since how I made the frilly plastic pants worked so well, I would try the same method, in doing a dress, I tried acrtually different dress designs at first, but trying to do those at the time were proving too difficult to do, this was based on using the Arc Tool (Curved Draw Line) to draw around the curved areas of the dress.

But when it came to trying to pull out the image of the dress itself. That was where I kept hitting a problem, the rest of the rectangle I drew on would end up being pulled out too, as that's how most of all of my Models start out as being, drawn rectangled shapes. Be it if for doing models, or drawing around images with.

The Rectangle Shape Drawing Tool is and has been most times used than any of the other tools of the basic tool set that comes with SketchUp. So I thought what about the photo of me wearing my dress? Could I use that in some way? No, I could not, but when it was available, the dress that I had been real lucky to be able to get, as it is no longer available in Cosy'N'Dry.com

There was an image of a model wearing the dress, though that image image was the dress being  white with pink trim. the view of the photgraph had been taken with her standing semi side ways on, to reveal mostly the back of the dress, with a hint of plastic pants/panties showing through from underneath the dress.

So I downloaded that image and then drew around it, made that into a 3D Model, to create the front, I meely alatered the model, which was double backed, meanign there was the original back of the dress, but facing the 'Front' Perspective in SketchUp, was also the back of the dress. so Icarefully took down my actual dress, looked closely at teh neck line, then added a rectangle shape atop of the dress, draw the neck line by looking directly at the neck line of my own dress, as a guide.

Once I had the dress in 3D I deleted the original image source that I used, to be able to draw the dress with in SketchUp, sadly that image is not there any more at Cosy'N'Dry.com, so I am sorry that I cannot show it here.
Once I had the dress drawn around, I deleted all of the unwanted draw lines. Making that part that back, a true front, but technically speaking it is still the second back part, all I hade done, was alter it to make it look like it is a true front piece/part of the dress.

Doing the dress this way was the only way I knew of how to do back then, I know a little bit more since then, but I can not even to this very day do a real true proper dress in 3D unless I have an image of a dress from all angles, front, side and back. If only a front shot is available, then that is all that I have to work with and do my best to alter the double backed problem, like what I did here with the above frilly dress model.

Oh and one more thing, which others won't know about when I had sent you a video catpure of the model, Big Sis C.C. I was not really happy with tthe original PVC texture that I had used for the dress, it was way too pixulated, so I changed it to as near best PVC Texture that works as best as possible for this dress. Other than that I hope that you like it and everyone else too.

As you know and those who do not, I can now do Sissy related themes with Using SketchUp and I am currently posting a tutorial of how that can be done in Random Chat: How I Make The Special Captions Part 5. There are more parts to follow over the next coming days, the tutorial goes into a whole lot more about how SketchUp Works etc.

I hope to some point be posting something very special for this forum too. Right now it's a project in waiting, when I can get around to doing it. You will all see the very first line of that work here, in this forum, so keep watching this space.

Oh and space by the way is infinite. *lol*


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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Baby Butch
Is this your Avatar dress? It sure looks like it. Nice of you to make a 3D image dress for Christie Luv. I bet she likes PVC too!

Oh yes, the dress image is pretty. Certainly worth 5 kisses.
Awww, fank you Baby Butch for the 5 kisses and lovely compliment. Yes yu are right the dress here as I have actually already mentioend, or did you miss that part? I will check, I'm sure I have mentioned itis based on the dress that I have and wearing in my profile photo.

Why is it everyone think it's an avatar?
I see images of what like, what you have as an  Avatar, Whinny The Poo. I could have chosen any image I wanted, but felt a photograph of the real Sissy Baby Me to be best to use. But that's just me and how I feel, think and see on a personal level.

Love, hugs & kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
@ PetBabyAmy

Yes you did mention it was based on your own dress in your profile. I actually went and looked at it too. I did notice how similar it looks. I called it Avatar because you used it for that too. It is a great choice. : )

Hugs Again
Baby Butch      
@ Baby Butch
  Baby Butch, fank you for explain  about the Avatr, now I understand and you are right, it is a very good choce too to chose it being my avatar image too.

Besides which I could not find anything that was more cuter for me to use as an Avatar image. *Giggles*

Love hugs & kisses.

PS. I will reply to your email hopefuly some time today, if not, definitely tomorrow.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Sissy Fashion
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