R Dare Me :-)
Karaoke parody (maybe?)
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Dare Me :-) - Karaoke parody (maybe?), Britney,Karaoke, Feminization,Dared Or Bets Dare Me :-) - Karaoke parody (maybe?), Britney,Karaoke, Feminization,Dared Or Bets
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    Set a record by going out dressed up 3 weekends in a row for dancing & karaoke. The wife went with me for one of them. As I started to feel like it was becoming a habit, I actually thought "I can't believe I'm doing this again."

   Well that set me off thinking about Britney Spears "Oops, I did it again." And that quickly became a parody which, if you can picture me dressed up and singing this version, might actually be funny as a classic denial of obvious opposites.

   I'm not bold enough to put up a video of myself publicly, so here's the deal: Anyone who dares me (by kissing or commenting on this post) will be given the link to a video of my performance after it happens (I need some practice, but shooting for next weekend).

   If anyone has suggestions for more humorous (or humiliating) lyrics, please share your ideas. Or, you can just pull up Britney on you-tube and enjoy singing along.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I think I did it again
I made you believe, this isn't a trend.
Oh baby
It might seem like too much
But it doesn't mean, that I'm out of touch

'Cause to lose all my man parts
That's not what you wanted for me

Oh baby, baby

Oops, I did it again.
I put on a dress, got lost on the town.

Oh baby, baby

Oops, you think I'm a girl,
That my mind will unfurl.
I'm not that in to it.

You see my problem is this
I'm swishing away
 Squishing my manhood until it submits.

I cry, watching the days
Can't you see I'm a girl in so many ways
But to lose all my manhood
That's not what you wanted for me
Oh baby, oh

Oops, I did it again.
I put on your clothes, got lost on the town.
Oh baby, baby
Oops, you think I'm a girl,
That my mind will unfurl.
I'm not that in to it.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Oops I, did it again, played the part.
Got lost, like a dame, Oh baby
Oops you, think I might cut off my nuts.
I'm not that in to it.

Oops, I did it again.
I dressed like a tart, got lost on the town.
Oh baby, baby
Oops, you think I'm a girl,
That my mind will unfurl.
I'm not that in to it.

Oops, I did it again.
Put on some girl art, got lost on the town.
Oh baby, baby
Oops, you think I'm a girl,
That my mind will unfurl.
I'm not that in to it.

Gallery Images by Sarah Marina
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Baby Puss
LOL, I really don’t have anything, but to say, I do song parodies about almost everything. I like music, and something always comes to my mind. Switch to my wife, who does not have the same musical knowledge or taste as I, and she will, look at me strangely, and say huh? Then roll her eyes. 🙄
Sarah Marina
@ Baby Puss
  LOL. Yeah.  I've gotten the occasional "Darn it! Now you've ruined the song." Hehe.
Baby Puss
@ Sarah Marina
You go girl. I've gone out a couple of times dressed too. It so refreshing to know I can go out and be myself.  
You asked for sugestions and this song could be altered, though for me personally, the lyrics are perfect as they are, but it would not harm to alter it and have for example I'm a Sissy, Oh so Sissy. As that would work, here's the link to the song I am referencing: 

I am sure that there could be other ways to alter the words that would fit. I can only think of adding the words. I'm a Sissy, oh so Sissy, to go with what's already in the song. But I am confident that you could do a parody of this song, it would be even better than than the Britney Spears song, but that's just my personal input. I am sure that which ever song you perform, it will be fantastic and funny to watch.

Sarah Marina
@ SissyBabyPet
I agree ... the lyrics to that song are nearly perfect as they are. As far as karaoke, I'm sure I couldn't perform any recognizable semblance of the tune.

But that won't stop me from re-playing it in my head as I swoop at home, so thank you!

@ Sarah Marina

  I am so happy that you like my suggestion. You are welcome, always.

lil sissie
 mes tinks Yous is doing a great job Sarah
 lil sissie
You are a brave person i dont think i could do that
Love Fool by The Cardigans :D 
That outfit and your hair are gorgeous 
 in my youth i had gone out enfemmed several times, the most daring of which is  i went bushwalking with fake boobs, a skirt, wig and was very passable and came across some people and had to interact with them very briefly, even had some forestry workers follow me in a truck briefly, had naughty thoughts that day :P
Sarah Marina
@ babytephx
    Oooh, that IS daring. Sounds almost dangerous. I don't really try to pass anymore, and generally stick to "safe" places: City Streets, Strip Clubs, Marilyn Manson concerts, TG friendly events and resorts, etc.
    Not too long ago, I just wanted to take a stroll in the evening. My mistake was taking a side road and someone tried to pick me up - that was actually scary.
    Strip Clubs (at least in my experience) are a blast. Naturally, you still tip the girls, but they relate to you since they are also "dressed up" in a way, and they tend to flock to you in between their dances. Last time, one sat on my lap and just talked to me for a 1/2 hr. And even tho you're also surrounded with a bunch of horny men, that might otherwise be aggressive, they wouldn't dare give you any crap in that setting or both the bouncers and the dancers would pummel them.

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