All R Pink Polka Dot Club 2 - The dark period
Darker secrets are revealed as Sean and Scott (now Sheila and Courtney) continue their transformation journey and new recruits are added.
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Chapter 1
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Sheila awoke with an unusually large mountain of poo in her diaper. She smiled innocently as she was lying on her tummy in an adorable pink diaper dress and waiting for a club assistant to change her. Over the past few months, messing herself had become one of the most effective ways to have an extended session of attention.

Kayla was filling in at the nursery for one of the regular assistants. She had fiery red hair and piercing green eyes. She cooed gently as she combed her fingers through Sheila's hair and down her back. "What a tender sweet baby you are", she said. "I suppose you'd really like to have your messy diaper changed", she giggled.

Sheila unwittingly nodded slowly. Her face was buried downward in the folds of the crib sheets. Being turned into a toddler girl wasn't so bad. She thought that no one suspected how much she enjoyed the feeling of being constantly touched and coddled by so many gentle girls. She waited patiently for the usual treatment ... her diaper pulled off... a gentle wiping with baby cloths ... the caress of baby lotion and cream applied to her bottom ... and finally, the soft warm swaddle of a fresh diaper wrapped around her hiney and securely fastened.

"But it's not going to be that simple today", Kayla continued. "You see ... I know your dirty little secret. You never really took your oath willingly, now did you, Seannie?

Sean's mind was startled. No one had used his old name in what seemed like forever. He quickly tried to say something, but it came out as "bwah gah bwim pee." Months of acting adorable and complacent just couldn't be overcome with such short notice.

"Cindy was cruel not to let you have your mind erased and reinitiated, but apparently it has suited you. I plan to fix that tiny oversight. I know you've been partially pretending to be helpless all this time. The only explanation for your good behavior is that you are actually aware and secretly enjoying it, aren't you Sheila?

The tranquil morning routine was broken. Sean's thoughts were racing now. Instead of the usual comforting feeling of passively lying in the crib while being pampered sweetly, his mind was being challenged by this feisty red haired girl.

Sheila squirmed uncomfortably as Kayla said "I bet you are wondering how I know all this since Cindy couldn't tell anyone about her little mess up? Well, here's another saucy secret tid-bit to fill that tiny wandering mind of yours ...".  Kayla leaned in close to Sheila and whispered ominously, "I'm Cindy's maker. I know her secrets, and I know your secrets, but best of all, I know what will haunt you the most. Soon, you'll wish you willingly gave your oath much earlier. It's been easy-peasy pretending to have given your allegiance to the club for these past months hasn't it? Let's see how well you can keep it up. I've invited someone special over for a tour."

Kayla gave a wry smirk as she opened the nursery door and quietly said "Be a good girl, and don't mess it up with her like you did the first time." She greeted a slim voluptuous blond girl at the door. "Hello, Mary. Welcome to our establishment. Come on in." Mary smiled and greeted Kayla in response. Her red heels clicked rhythmically as she took small methodical steps through the door and into the room. The scent of her uniquely sweet, yet musky perfume followed her. It wasn't overtly strong, but it was very distinctive.

Sean caught a hint of her perfume and frantically rolled to his side to get a glimpse of her. His brain froze, and he lost the rest of the tiny breath that his babyish girly body was holding onto. Mary was his ex-girlfriend!!

---- End Chapter 1 ----
 There will be many chapters to follow. Be sure to hit subscribe on this story's main page to be notified of additions.



P.S. A sweet thank you to cairo for offering some imagery for the story.  Definitely a gold club member. Hope you find the little frills I added tasteful.

The Next Chapter
Gallery Images by Sarah Marina
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Baby Butch
Good start with your new story and the images are a nice touch.
lil sissie
can't wait for more 
 lil sissie
dear sarah marina,,,,  like baby butch said it a good start and you have words you click on and I click on them and they ben delete what are them ?,,,, and I like the story too,,,,,,,,,,,, PS the words I talking about are treatment and cloths and see and your and off they are not there    
Sarah Marina
@ shamrock
- Yeah, the words weren't really meant to be clicked on. I use the ellipses (...) for pauses sometimes, and they automatically get turned into links that go nowhere. I will try to avoid that from happening going forward. I edited the first chapter to remove them. Thanks.
WOW,I still wish I was SHEILA.Please keep of the GREAT work!!! 
This sissy 'LOVES" the premise of this story, so keep up the good work, dear...also this sissy has a new story in the works in the "Adult Baby Diaper School" world, but has had some medical issues as of late.......
permanently a sissybaby 
Very good story. Poor Sean fancy having your ex girlfriend as your care assistant and still have the urges but not be able to do anything about it 
This is very good 
I like the last chapter cant wait for more       
Sarah Marina
@ sissybabysamantha2
Thank you so much for all of your encouraging comments! As of Ch.6, you're my biggest cheerleader on this sequel.

I think all of the writers and contributors here would sing "Feedback helps the next chapter come faster."

*Hugs and Thanks*
This story just gets better and better. I think lucky Sheila having to lovely ladies to baby him even though one of them is his ex girlfriend. I love the illustrations     
Sarah Marina
@ sissybabysamantha2

Thank you so much for your meaningful comments on this chapter (#7) !

Each chapter is a lot of work. I post as I go, so comments help me figure out if I'm going in the right direction. This sequel has more views so far, but the volume of comments from book #1 was way more. It's a little confusing. 

I'm so happy that you liked the illustrations!

For most of them, it's backwards of captioning... I write what's in my head first, then try to find pics that come close to what I imagined.
My favorite, of course, is the one I drew myself... The final resting stage of a genuine "Gushing G-Spot" from the Watering Hole.

*Hugs and Cheers*


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