PG Inspirational
Who inspires you
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With Christmas a heartbeat away and 2012 drawing to a close, it made me think of my time here, the people I have met and my own journey as a sissy. When I joined over 5 years ago and made my first nervous post I couldn't foresee what being part of the sissy community really meant, what direction my own sissiness would take and at the very centre of my soul who I truly am.

I have a clearer more confident view on being a sissy and whilst I admit to a truck load of regrets, I am a lot more at ease and happy being the person I am.

I remember people, images and the like on my journey and that lead me to write this post. I think for most sissies there are certain events that spark feelings deep within ourselves that ultimately lead us onto the road of sissiness, whether it be an image of a woman in a pretty dress or the first time we see the words adult baby and think oh my that's me!!

I wanted to share mine with you and hopefully read yours too, who or what inspired you, helped you, made you think yes I am a sissy. I would love to know and it doesn't matter if no-one else knows who they are.

Mine are many, but here is a smattering:

1. The very brave transvestite who was featured in an article in my local paper back in the 1980's. She made me realise I was not alone.

2. Patrice. Patrice is a French woman who wrote an advert in TV Repartee in 1994 offering to make audio tapes (yes kids tape!!) for TV's. Basically fantasy tapes. Through her tapes and then friendship she helped me accept myself and also inspire me to fulfil the dreams in my heart.

3. Fetish Kitten. One of the first women I ever met in the fetish world, we are good friends and she has helped me so much. Like Patrice, she helped with acceptance and has always been there. She is a woman I very much admire.

4. Christie Luv - without her and Sissy Kiss I wouldn't have really found myself and this community. The work she does bringing us altogether here is immense, but even more she cares about each and everyone of us and is passionate about the sissy world, wanting to make it a safe haven and a fun place to be. Her outlook is amazing and the word inspirational is hers!

5. Princess Elli. If you are not aware of her, she is Japanese sissy who has been in the 'scene' for many years. When I first saw her picture it was like a gong going off in my head, I wanted to be her so bad it made me cry. She was how I ached to dress every single day of my life.

6. Mummy. When she found me, she propelled me to a new understanding of myself and her love and guidance have been what gets me through the day. To be able to say Mummy to someone is what most of us crave and I am lucky, so very lucky. But Mummy is an inspiration to me also because of the person she is, so kind and loving, a rarity it seems in todays harsher world. I love you Mummy.

There are more but this gives you an idea. Hope to read yours x x x


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