PG ~*Funshine's Play-Date piccies~*~
(Just a few pictures of a recent play date I had with friends)
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Funshine here! So I was recently given permission from my two AB friends
to post a couple of piccies from our recent play date together, yay! *giggles*
Now I know it doesn't look like we did much but we all had a great time playing
wif our stuffies, coloring in the many coloring books I have and watching movies,
(we saw Oliver & Company.)

As a more important side note, I would like to give a big thank you to Christie Luv
for creating the Sissy Kiss site so many years ago. These pictures below don't just represent
having a good time with like-minded people but rather, the core ideals of what this site
and others stand for. Bringing our community together in a wholesome and loving environment. Having play dates are important milestones to "Sissies," and "Littles" alike, as it fosters goodwill among would-be friends and  encourages the timid ones to enjoy the things we all share in common.

I am incredibly grateful to have a place like Sissy Kiss where the community can come together but for those of you out there who may be feeling down and perhaps a little unloved... try not to worry, I'm sure your play date is just around the corner :)  

Gallery Images by Jennifer Funshine
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Its nice to see your playmates and you were having such a good time. I'm grateful for SissyKiss too!

Unfortunately with the terribly cold weather we're having where I'm at, I don't feel like dehairing my legs like I do in summer and autumn when its not yet cold. But with the contributions made by members of our SissyKiss community like you, I feel warm inside.

SissySweetness and Love,
Looks like fun :)
~*Christie Luv*~
Aww you all look so cute in your onsies!  I'm so glad Sissy Kiss has helped you! That's what we are here for, to help sweeties find their playdates!
Baby Butch
Cute pictures with those warm footed jammies!

On which network is the full length movie being shown? *giggles*

Adorable pictures
Jennifer Funshine
Thankies for all the kind replies everyone! an I apologize for responding so late, jus been really busy now that it's December and the holidays are in full swing. Stay sweet, sweethearts! *hugs* 
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