XXX Cheerleader
Turned into a cheerleaded, used like a slut!
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Cheerleader - Turned into a cheerleaded, used like a slut!, cuckold,Sissifuss,sissy slut,femboy,cocksucking,forced feminization,petticoat punishment,Little Fanny Mattie,sissy, Feminization,Dominating Mistress Or Master,Sissy Fashion,Dared Or Bets,Oral Sex,Bad Boy To Good Girl,Dolled Up,Gay Orientation,Str8 Orientation
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With apologies to Sissifuss, here we have my own LFM-version [including my captions and some subtle enhancements] of a deviously titillating sissification illustration called "S-I-S-S-Y Go-Sissy". It was featured as a storyette in issue 4 of the now-defunct e-magazine 'Sissifuss'. In it, Jason 'Drop Balls' Purley, the team's recently nominated Least Valuable Player, finds out the HARD way that there are consequences for being the weakest link [such as being bullied and forcefully demoted to 'Head' Cheerleader]. From now on he won't be dropping any balls so much as they'll be bouncing off his chin!

*I've been a fan of this UK artist/storyteller [known as 'Sissi'] for many years, although early on I was also quite in denial about my own proclivity towards enforced sissy cuckoldry. Because of this, I didn't get to purchase the 9 PDF issues [and 2 special editions] that were available sometime between 2005 - 2010. If anyone's able to help me find these PDFs, please do consider messaging me; I'd be ever so grateful!
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