PG What Are Sissies Playing?
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What games are sissies currently playing and enjoying? It can be any kind of game. Right now I'm enjoying three.

Subnautica - I am absolutely in love with this science fiction video game! You spend most of your time exploring an alien planet's expansive ocean, and the environments are absolutely beautiful! So colorful! The sea creatures are adorable, some even cute, until you get deep enough and they start to get creepy. It's enough to make me shiver in my rumba panties.

Talisman: Kingdom Hearts - This is a lovely board game based on the Kingdom Hearts video game, which means it's full of adorable Disney characters and JRPG heroes! It's wonderful to share, and I'm enjoying playing it with my mistress when we do our sissy play dates.

Warhammer 40,000 - This isn't very sissy (though look up the Hello Kitty Space Marine Chapter for a really cute interpretation) but a friend gifted me some miniatures and I've finally had a chance to use them. I think I'm enjoying painting the pieces and building little structures for them to battle over than actually playing the game, but it gives me an excuse to roll huge handfuls of glittery dice and that's always a plus!

How about you? What games do you just adore playing right now?

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Where do you find that KH game?! 
Widdle Wendy
@ Sissymissmiss
  I ordered mine online, but some local game shops have copies. The publisher is USAopoly. You can find their product page here.

@ Widdle Wendy
  thank you :)
Princess Sabrina
Widdle Wendy
Oh! And I've also been playing Scooby-Doo: Betrayal and Mystery Manor because I love those cartoons. I always use the Daphne playing piece because she's my kind of character (fashionable and always getting tied up or hypnotized).

Widdle Wendy, I used to play the original D&D Board game until the playstation console came along with RPG titles such as Guantlet Legends & Dark Stone, later came the PS 2 and the game titles of Champions of Norrath and Champions: Return, another RPG Title where you get to control a dragon. DRAKEN: The ancient Gates. Theses days though I play hours on end playing Sacred 2 for the PS3.


*Hugs* SissyBabyPet

Widdle Wendy
@ SissyBabyPet


Those all sound like wonderful games! The only one I've played is Champions of Norrath, which I did enjoy quite a bit. I still run D&D regularly and would love to have you at my table.

@ Widdle Wendy

  I hope that we can be friends? Even though I no longer play board games and hope that won't be a problem for you?


*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Widdle Wendy
@ SissyBabyPet


Not at all! It's good to have a lot of different friends with different interests.

Widdle Wendy
 I moved on to Subnautica: Below Zero. There's a little less exploration and a little more story in this game, but it's still very enjoyable. I've had so much fun gathering sea creature eggs and raising them in my habitat's big fish tank!

Currently Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker
Halo Infinite
and Super Robot Wars X
Widdle Wendy

I wanted some more cute, girly games I could break out at sissy tea parties, so I treated myself to Sailor Moon: Truth of Bluff and Sailor Moon: Dice Challenge. It's my dream to play these games in full sailor senshi cosplay with a bunch of other sissy cosplayers. Maybe at a convention. The art and playing pieces are super cute!

Hi hi! I’m new to the site so i hope this is ok for me to post, but I’ve been playing magic the gathering quite a bit lately, as well as smash bros. and The Witcher III

Anyone else into any of those games?
Widdle Wendy
@ sweetcassiegurl


Hello! I've played both Magic: The Gathering and Smash Bros. but I have much more experience with MtG. I was briefly a tournament judge back when I worked at a game shop. It's a wonderful card game, but I haven't been able to keep up with it in recent years. I really wanted to love The Witcher III as much I love the Witcher books, but I just couldn't get into it.

@ Widdle Wendy
  well if you ever want to get back into MtG, I’ve been playing MtG Arena, it’s a deck building and game playing app for iOS, android, and I think MacOS and PC. It’s not perfect, but I love playing it!!   I want to play more irl, but I’m super nervous about it. If you ever wanna catch up with what is new with magic I’d love to fill you in 😊😇
Widdle Wendy
I'm so excited! I managed to find a copy of the new HeroQuest online for a song and it just came in! I can't wait to play this with some friends. It makes me want to get a sissy D&D group together.

 I used to play video games on console. but now I started saving money and that's why I play free games online. If you like music games you can try friday night funkin tricky mod and you will definitely get stuck for hours in this game. At first I thought that Friday night game was funkin for kids, but I realized that it's not easy to win a musical battle against an opponent. Therefore, adults will also like this game.
 Hi hi! I’m new to the site.Drift Boss
According to statistical data, the average "experience" of a player in any project does not exceed three years. Of course, it is possible to have game "binges", when under the pressure of nostalgia he returns to the project for a short time, diligently pumping up the account, but then leaves again. The reason is banal: during this time is changing and the game (enough several major updates), and the player himself (even if the age has passed the thirty-year mark). here we offer you to find interest in the game again and order our services pumping accounts through , so while you will be engaged in their work and home affairs, we will do all the most uninteresting work on pumping the character in the game instead of you.
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