Question on Cappies
Submitting cappies to get more access
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I noticed that you can get more access to some of the content on the site if you will submitt a # of "cappies" for use on the site.

Do you e-mail them?

Can you use photos like this one or does it need to be artwork?1

And yes I have permission to use this photo of Mistress V and me.

We took these to submitt to "Enslaved Sissy Maids" magazine for a story in an issue. ##19 if you are intrested or famillar with it. It was soo much fun and we have done several things together.

I have a bunch that I would be willing to post if that fits the critera?


Sissy Tami

P.S. the little avitars that all you cute sissies have in your posts where do I go to find insructions to do that?
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~*Christie Luv*~
Hi sweetie! Oh we have chatted in email on how to submit cappies.

To add an avy like mine look at the menu of links to the left of this page and press "My Profile" then on the next page go to "Edit Avatar" Thats the page to add your avy.

You already have a super cute one I see!        

Sissy Jenni
Uhmm...Whaz a "cappies"?  Sorry, I just want to understand stuff.  Can't follow when I don't understand... 
Sissy Jenni
~*Christie Luv*~
That's okay, it's short for captioned pictures. Cappies are when people make sissy stories on pictures.
What kind of post would you like to make?
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