There's an artist in the Adult Baby community called Pink-Diapers who some of you might be familiar with. She's a member of SissyKiss and over four hundred of her pictures are able to be viewed for free at her DeviantArt page here:
She offers 3 pics of your choice for $100.00 upfront in full.
1 pic for $50.00 ($25 upfront).
THREE full-colour pictures for a hundred dollars is a great deal and, for anyone who doesn't know, the subject matter can be as adult as you like or, if you fancy, not adult at all (or even not AB-related). This really is a great deal because you're actually getting something for helping out a fellow AB. If you're interested, you can e-mail her about it at this address:
I really hope people take her up on the offer because she really is a great person, as well as a credit to the AB community. I've talked to her on AIM and stuff and, I swear, the woman never gets mad at anything. She's that sweet.
As a way to end off the post, here are some of her drawings, just to entice you: