R Pee stained panties
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I've noticed that some of my panties are permanently stained now from all of the little accidents I have. *blushes* I should probably be wearing diapers if this keeps happening to my panties, right mommies? Have any of you noticed this happening to your panties?
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and that's why I haven't worn my panties. If I could figure out a way so that my panties are protected I would wear more often. all I can think of is pads and liners, but those cost money I don't have.

 Have any of you noticed this happening to your panties?  

But of course, especially on white cotton. It's a mark of bedwetting distinction. :3

In truth, there is no better place to be...
Than falling out of darkness, still to see.

 But of course, especially on white cotton. It's a mark of bedwetting distinction. :3  

I don't know why exactly but something about pee stained panties makes me feel like such a little sissy. :)
Tut, tut... that just shows what a baby you are and that you aren't ready for big girl panties yet! I think some pretty pull-ups would be better.
I hope they weren't some expensive panties. But good little girls don't stain their panties. You need a spanking. Then you should be demoted to diapers for a full week then after that is over you should buy some maxi pads and were those in your panties for a week then you should be able to go back to big girl panties without protection.

 I hope they weren't some expensive panties. But good little girls don't stain their panties. You need a spanking. Then you should be demoted to diapers for a full week then after that is over you should buy some maxi pads and were those in your panties for a week then you should be able to go back to big girl panties without protection.  

You're right. I am a little panty wetting sissy who deserves a good spanking. Sometimes when I'm feeling really girly I'll tip toe into the shower and have a big accident in my panties, getting them soaking wet. I'll wring them out and hang them up to dry without washing them, just so they'll get potty stains on them. I've even been super naughty and left my panties on when I sit down on the toilet to pee! I'm so bad. I deserve to be in diapers permanently.

I've tried to make a game out of how relaxed I can get and still keep my panties dry when I have to pee. Needless to say, I lose very often, and my panties are paying the price.

 I've noticed that some of my panties are permanently stained now from all of the little accidents I have. *blushes* I should probably be wearing diapers if this keeps happening to my panties, right mommies? Have any of you noticed this happening to your panties?  

I try not to wet my panties or my Vanity Fair pettis. But unfortunately no matter how much I try to keep my lingerie unstained, I always get a drop or so of weewee in them every time I have to sit on the throne. So all my panties and pettis eventually get stained :( .

Sitting here before the keyboard and monitor in shortalls which bare my dehaired legs up to my upper thighs,

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