PG 13 Rise Animal Crackers
Little baby wants daddy to eat animal crackers with her.
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Rise Animal Crackers - Little baby wants daddy to eat animal crackers with her., adultbaby persona4 , Adult Babies,Pop Culture
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 I think before helping the little baby find a the animal cracker she wants I think the little one needs a change first :P

Well you guys voted on it and here ya go! You get the adorable Rise! I wanted to do something a little different on this picture and I this idea came into my head after remember a scene were Rise mentioned after seeing a box of animal crackers she wanted to find a penguin cracker. So she has a big box of Happy Animals! (That is just a brand of animal crackers I came up with.)

I do apologize for the bit of a wait for you guys had to go through but here you guys are!
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Worth the wait! 😘 
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