PG 13 Cosmos Baby
space samurai baby
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Cosmos Baby - space samurai baby, space baby, Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers
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Ever since Cosmo Samurai came on Toonami I had just to draw this XP 

For those of who are unaware what Cosmo Samurai is a official Toonami anime (a actual Toonami anime) basically about Tom taking part of a group of heroes to get Sarah from space pirates (at least that's what the first season was about.) There is a character called Tsuruhime who was the samurai of the group though the only girl of the group so I thought to myself. Yes I had to draw her XP

Original Serah was also going to be diapered but decided to draw her in a more casual style acting as Tsu's caretaker.

Anyone I hope you all enjoy this!
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