R Hypno Tank
baby girl get's trapped in a tank.
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Hypno Tank - baby girl get's trapped in a tank., hypnosis baby girl, Adult Babies,Mind Altering
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Continuing the Bomberman trend of pictures here it's time to move onto Bomberman Hero with Princess Millian who has been tied up, diapered her clothing ripped up and is being hypnotized / brain drained to get info on where the activation keys are, by the Natia.

I wanted to use another 3D background but with adding in a "hypnotic drained" wall light which will cause the person who's retina aren't registered in the system to get hypnotized by giving off bright lights to confuse the brain and tired it out.

I decided to  with her hanging by a rope to basically represent her being held captive.  
Gallery Images by Cloud-Dream
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Baby Puss
I’m liking it! Looks great, thanks for sharing.
Baby Butch
Well done! Great drawing with story Cloud Dream.
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