PG 13 sad truth
a brief description on how "online mommys really are
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sad truth  - a brief description on how
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 I stand alone when it comes to Online mommy's (meaning I have a couple potentials and was dumb enough to send payments to them (don't do that )you always lose more then you gain .
so I chat to these women that claim to be my mommy and we chat about useless topics that get us no where close to each other as she promises to send me dresses and diapers and such if I send payment (they never do)
so they claim to love me as their daughter(its a lie) 

I've learned they tell you what you want to hear as well as I tell them the same ..but the sad truth is :when you wait all day for the scammer to get back to you.
my opinion is :until I meet u in're just a name on the screen and when you have an on line scammer  you probably have a scammer ...My advice to you is be careful to who you call "mommy" cause most don't give 2 shitz about you.
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Baby Puss
Unfortunately, there are many waiting for the chance to prey on people’s hopes and dreams. If they seem to good to be true, they probably are. 
Baby Butch
I like the short black dress. A warning is good for those looking for a mommy especially online and when asked for money.
It is a sad fact of life that there are loads of scammers out there. Be very careful who you send money to    
Before I begin I'd just like to say that what I'm about to write beyond this opener is just as an answer to the post and is not meant in any way towards the poster. In fact I'd like to thank you personally Keli for sharing the unfortunate experience you had - many folk would not have the stones to admit such a thing but here you are warning your brothers and sisters. Take pride in that honey, you deserve to. xx

Tho this is a very sad truth that there are such online scammers, the statement cannot be made that this is what all online caregivers are.
There are very genuine people out there that give online domination and care giving - I know this for a fact as I'm am friends with several that do. The obvious difference is that they don't make false promises that are pure fantasy nor ask you for money. They are just the opposite side of what you desire and take pleasure in writing out what amounts to fun for you both.

Ok - lets look at the sorting the scammers from the real article.
Another very sad truth is that there are far more subs in the world then there are Doms to take care of them. Doms / caregivers / Tops do not have to go around contacting subs to get attention. Dom's are usually inundated with requests - believe me, this I know personally. So, if a Top suddenly decides to contact you out of the blue offering exactly what you are wanting then I'd be wary if I were you. Not saying that it doesn't happen in genuine cases - just that it is extremely rare.
Another point is where exactly you may find such a person. Probably on a real fetish or ABDL site - not some random social media platform. Just think for a minute - if they were genuine then they would go looking for a sub / ABDL on a site connected to the scene - not some idiot-fest like KIK.
There is a damn good point in reverse there too. Use your head when posting messages out to the world screaming "I want a Mummy" and then typing in exactly what you would offer for it all over the place  - if you do this then what the hell do you expect!
There is an old saying out there that states that you cannot con an honest person. Okay, that wording doesn't fully relate here but it does translate. The only way these people can get money out of you is if you are desperate enough to give it. If somebody offered to sell you a car and asked for you to send the money first, before you'd ever seen it and only with a bland promise that the vehicle even exists you wouldn't even bother to reply, never mind pay them. However, when it comes to fetishes, fantasy over takes reality and many peoples brains goes out of gear. Simple solution - take your hand off the front of your nappy and think a bit. Desperation is no excuse for stupidity.

One last word to clear another point - in any of this I'm not talking pro Doms - different thing entirely but easily recognisable from the scammers by the running of a full business site (usually with real testimonials that are traceable). If you have to pay for care giving / domination, then this is your path.
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
@ kay3070

  Very well put Kay.

Hugs and Kisses

Sissy Baby Samantha
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Thank you Samantha sweetie. It needed to be said - way to many sissies out there that put themselves in danger. Losing money is a bad thing but I guess it's far better then running off to some hotel to find six guys waiting for you - wouldn't be the first time its happened. xxxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
thankyou everyone yea  I figured it would help
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