PG 13 Funshine's All-New Photoshoot!
~*Some new pics to spruce up the forum... cause it's great to be back*~
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Hey sissy sweethearts! *waves to everyone*
So.. what to say.. I'm not really sure, it's been a very long time since I've posted anything but I thought it would be most fun to show off some of the cute piccies I've taken in the past few months (before my surgery of course) lol

~* Just Little ol' me in a very wet diapey and for anyone who's wondering-- yes that is an old-school TMNT poster on my wall lol*~

~*My very first PINK dress ever...

~*... and of course, the diapey I had on underneath! :)

~*My very first dollies! I'm fairly positive the one on the left is Barbie but I have no idea who the red haired girl is :(

~*And finally, my horsie! She's not as big as the pink pony I once had but it's all good. A really nice friend of mine (who also happens to be an Adult Baby) gave her to me for free.. oh, and her name is "Serenity" which was daddys idea  :P

~* So I also wanted to mention that I recently had a play date with two other Adult Baby friends of mine and we took quite a few fun piccies of our time together. If I get their permission, I'll upload the pictures we took at a later date.. but for now, it's good to be back home :) *~
Gallery Images by Jennifer Funshine
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Baby Butch
I am pleased to see you around Jennifer Funshine.

I know you were worried about the heart surgery.

Nice photo shoot, the diapers appear to be wet, he he.
Jennifer Funshine
Thanks for the cute comments, hunny! *hugs* :) I'm recovering nicely from the heart surgery though it's still been a struggle to be here cause my computer isn't in very good shape right now. Glad you like the pics, I really like the new drag and drop system for the picture files, too. Now I can just upload my stuff directly instead of having to use a host site, so useful! :) 
Princess Erin
It's so pleasant to see your post! Thank you very much for sharing your photos!
You have a very cute image and right style! I also see something similar as myself ;)
The first picture is perfect! Very nice and lovely Tinkerbell top, and the rocking horse too! 
I can guess that the girl on the right - this is Disney series of Mattel dolls, and maybe this is Belle :)
Jennifer Funshine
Thanks for kind and generous comments, Princess Erin! *hugs*
I personally love Tinkerbell and I think you're right about my dolly being Belle from beauty and the beast, she has a yellow outfit on underneath her dress! *giggles*
Thank you Jennifer for sharing yourself with us. I'm delighted to see you got through your medical issues ok. And, that you had a play date with your AB friends!

Wish I could have a playdate.
Jennifer Funshine
*hugs you close* Hey Prissie, haven't seen you in forever, I missed you hun :) and yeah I'm getting by okay, my scar is mostly healed now and I only occasionally get aches and pains in my chest if I lay on my side. Surgery isn't any fun but at least the diaper changes were! *giggles* :P
Welcome back! 
Cute dress!! 

I'd absolutely love to see pics of your play date 
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