XXX ~*Funshine's 2014 Photoshoot*~
New pictures to ring in the new year!
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Happy New Year Sissy Kiss!

My have I been a busy Sissy Baby, apologizes for being away so long but I hope
to make up for my absence with an all-new photoshoot to begin the new  year with. The first piccie is of what I got for Christmas and the last one is a personal picture I took for my would-be daddy a very long time ago, which is what made this thread x-rated! Well, there's no turning back now! *giggles and blushes bright pink*

(Special Mention: The adorable Funshine Bear, which is actually a plushie pillow according to the package, is from the generosity of Sissy Krissy, who sent it to me
the week before Christmas! Thanks so much hunny!)

Love you all, my sissy sweethearts and Happy 2014!

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Princess Jaina
Thank you for sharing, Jennifer!  You're looking well, and very cute.  These are some very nice pictures, to be sure.  And thank you so much for showing off that soaked and soggy diapee!
Baby Butch

Silly me, I was wondering at first why the diaper was yellow instead of white!


Good Job with the photoshoot Jennifer Funshine. I like the 1st pic with the bear.


The others are very good, I see you have a variety of sissywear and diapers.


You're looking lovely!


Baby Butch : )



I like #2,3,8 and 10.  #2 is really cute. So is 10. I should take some piccies of myself, like those!


I always like seeing cute thighs :)




Jennifer Funshine

Posted by Prissie

I like #2,3,8 and 10.  #2 is really cute. So is 10. I should take some piccies of myself, like those!


I always like seeing cute thighs :)




Thanks for letting me know which ones are your favorites, Prissie! I really tried my best to contribute something major to the forums. Getting to read your blush-inducing comment really made my day and I hope you get to have a cute photo shoot as well :) *little girl huggles*
Posted by Baby Butch

Silly me, I was wondering at first why the diaper was yellow instead of white!


Good Job with the photoshoot Jennifer Funshine. I like the 1st pic with the bear.


The others are very good, I see you have a variety of sissywear and diapers.


You're looking lovely!


Baby Butch : )


Thankies for the sweet comments, Baby Butch, it's always a pleasure to show off my new outfits here, perhaps though I showed off a bit too much, lol.  *hugs*

Posted by Luvsbabyjj
Thank you for sharing, Jennifer!  You're looking well, and very cute.  These are some very nice pictures, to be sure.  And thank you so much for showing off that soaked and soggy diapee!
Thanks, Luvsbaby, yes that bambinos diaper was pretty soaked and I was really happy with how much it absorbed. As a play diaper it's really cute to look at too.
The other diaper I wore was the Super Dry Kids one, which doesn't absorb well  but it is based on the 1993 pampers design which is nice :) *huggles close*

Princess Jaina

Posted by Jennifer Funshine

Thanks, Luvsbaby, yes that bambinos diaper was pretty soaked and I was really happy with how much it absorbed. As a play diaper it's really cute to look at too.
The other diaper I wore was the Super Dry Kids one, which doesn't absorb well  but it is based on the 1993 pampers design which is nice :) *huggles close*

Hi Jennifer.

Yes, the Bambinos are my diaper of choice, very cute and very absorbant.  A little pricey, but a pretty good value as far as AB designer diapers go.

I've worn Super Dry Kids (and Cushies too) but you're right, they aren't that absorbant, even though they are cute.  Bambino is a way better AB diaper designer than AB Universe, IMHO.

Of course, nothing beats the absorbancy (and bulk!) of Fabine diapers, but they are hard to find (European import) and quite pricey.  The Bambino "Bellisimo" is about as good, but also pricey.

I splurge a little every now and then on Fabines and/or Bellisimos, but I mostly rely on the classic Bambinos.  Cute, comfy, and absorbant, and overall the best value, for me anyway, IMHO.



Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
Jennifer Funshine

I finally got around to checking out those Fabine line of diapers you mentioned hun and I have to admit they're quite adorable. I also wouldn't mind trying the cushies ones as well but I have mixed feelings on their design. 

I suppose a cheaper alternative would be to simply buy the diaper tapes and decorate whatever store bought diaper suits your fancy. If I do decide to order again I'll likely go back to the super dry kids because of how little they make me feel. *giggles*

Personally I think diaper tapes and diaper patterns is an area that could really be improved upon. Instead of simply having generic teddy bears and baby blocks why not combine the two? The possibilities here are limitless and of course, I would love to see diapers of the Care Bears variety!
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