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XXX Bigger and Better Blossoms
(breast-booster) Bigger and Better Blossoms
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One of the essences of being a woman is having breasts. It makes a female special and attractive to the eyes of men all around the world. That is why it is imperative for transgender women and crossdressers like me to have boobs whatever means necessary.

I prefer topical solutions. I don’t like pills, hormones, nor anything invasive. Good thing I found this herbal topically applied breast enhancement solution at It goes by the name of Breast Booster Feminizing Herbal Formula. The name itself is quite catchy and I wasn’t the least bit hesitant since I read that the product was to be applied on the chest area twice a day and expect to see results with continuous use. I immediately purchased it and started right away upon shipping.

So I tested it first on a small portion of my chest and waited for ten minutes to see if I would be having any allergic reactions. Thank goodness I did not! So I became more adventurous and applied it in circular motions on my left and right chest. There was a sticky feel to it but it tends to dry up after a few minutes. I did this routine religiously for 3 months and I started noticing my breasts were getting softer and rounder. I was so pleased that I kept on using it for another 3 months and guess what I have nice looking boobs! They were soft round and I had pinkish nipples. I decided to stop using it now since I was content we what I have.
I am keeping this Breast Booster in my closet for further use when I want bigger boobs. I have recommended this to some of my transgender friends and they started using it as well. We have yet to see results.
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