All XXX Lace back top+breastsuit
Pros: Gives an amazing breast shape and wonderful out look with the lace white straps top.
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I recently got a new  FEMINI JUST FIT VEST suit from a website, it’s silicone made torso, i can’t wait to show you guy my prefect clothing idea with the suit plus lace straps top.

Here is my picture :)

Wonderful Combination 

The FEMINI JUST FIT VEST arrived in very plain packaging. On opening the bag, the item looked very nice. The lace straps top detailing was quite intricate and very pretty, and FEMINI JUST FIT VEST the quality of finish seemed very high. The outlook and texture of the silicone breast were extremely nice, in a fine delicated material. Overall, I felt it looked much better than the pictures on the web site suggested.

On putting the item on, my first impression was that it was quite a struggle! The garment was tight, and required some effort to pull on. However, that tightness turned out to be a huge benefit. Once on, I was extremely impressed how much better my figure looked in it. the vest gave me a proper waist and breast. The product feels marvellous, and I can't resist running my hands over the material every now and then. The website images just did not do this justice.

Pros: Gives an amazing breast shape and wonderful out look with the lace white straps top.
Also gives real definition to my cleavage 
Very nice materials with good quality finish.
Sizing was absolutely perfect. 

Cons: the breast looks smaller than i expected, i should order ST5 of FEMINI JUST FIT VEST instead of ST4

There are a few pictures attached to this post, but be aware they don't do it full justice. The shoulder straps are sheer material and the bum is transparent lace. There is also a lot of lace detailing on the body that doesn't show so well in the pics.

Hope some might find this interesting/useful.

** you can find the lace white straps top at the accessories of FEMINI JUST FIT VEST
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