PG ~*My Adorable New Outfit!*~
Brand new photoshoot to celebrate a fabulous find!
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Hiya everyone! Last week I found the most beautiful outfit I had ever laid eyes on and to my complete amazement, it actually fit! As a sissy girl I can tell you there is nothing worse than
finding the dress of your dreams and realizing that it's not the proper size. Oh an please note that this photoshoot was a tad rushed and you'll probably notice the front wasn't brought up high enough
to cover my chest but that's okay, I'm still learning.
Next time I'm gonna wear my make up though!

So what do you ladies think... am I ready for my first date?  
~*Love & Huggles from your sissy sister, Jenny*~  
Gallery Images by Jennifer Funshine
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You look absolutely lovely Jennifer and very pretty too. Please don't forget to leave me a comment, pretty please on my post: From Baby Boy To Sissy Baby Girl, when you have the time to spare. Fank you.

Love, Hugs & Kisses
Very Pretty Jenn! ^_^  You look like an angel :)
Baby Butch
 Nice dress with a bow and I like the diaper shot. Great photo shoot Jennifer Funshine!

Jennifer Funshine
Thanks for loving compliments everyone! Gosh I feel really bad it took me this long to reply, I kinda lost track of things but rest assured soon as I get any new outfits, you kind sweethearts will be the first to see them! *big huggles to everyone for all the encouragement*   
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