PG Because it has to be said...
In light of the events of December 21, 2012...
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The Simpsons truly was prophetic, even in terms of the Mayan long count:

"Apocalypse? We've all been there...same old thing, why should we care?" - from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, Season 6, "Once More With Feeling"
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 The Simpsons truly was prophetic, even in terms of the Mayan long count:

"Apocalypse? We've all been there...same old thing, why should we care?" - from BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, Season 6, "Once More With Feeling"  

See the issue is the only people predicting the end of the world today was doomsday cultists, the media and idiots. Mayan calender is just a long count calender, it predicts nothing but where the stars will be in the sky. One cycle ends another starts, no different then our calenders ending at December 31 and new one starts at January 1st.

Appocalypse is purely whatever you make of what the people running the world are turning it into, that's the real danger, not any solar flare you can't do anything about or aliens invading or planets swooping in and playing Pool with the inner solar system. Natural disaster have been happening for ever, just cause mass media reports it now is the only reason more people witness them, and the earth goes through growing pains, we are just enterting a bad period maybe instead of the calm for the last 2000 yrs.

Peace... and many more years of infantilism, sissydom and the such :)
Oh, I completely agree with you. Just thought that the caption was very appropriate for the ennui that many of us have re: headlines of "Apocalypse! AGAIN!"

(and don't get me going re: the joys of Y2K...)

Even my seven-year old daughter pointed out: "But Dad...the world should have ended years ago according to the Mayan calendar...because remember...they did not count leap years. So their calendar is wrong!" I'm so proud of my little genius.

Enjoy the post-End of Existence Day, everyone!
I knew nothing bad was going to happen yesterday. I mean, I can't even count the number of times the world was supposed to end according to ancient people/prophecies.

But then again, I'm a Christian. As such I know the end of the world can't be predicted. When it happens, it happens.
I agree, Dizzy K....and being a nominal Christian myself, I remember the Biblical phrase: "He will come like a thief in the night...,"i.e., you never know when God will appear next. Jesus also admonished his followers not to worry about when the YOM YAHWEH, the Day of the Lord, would come. Just to live out each day, focusing on God and helping our neighbors.

Sigh. Why do we, regardless of religious affiliation, get so excited with the "end of the world" scenarios? Do we secretly want the world to end (or, at least, the current "ways of the world")? Is it big business for the media and crackpots like Hal Lindsey and that Pastor Hagee character? Or do we want to participate in a new creation? Topic for a deeper conversation, I suppose...
I am sure that all the doomsayers are likely backpedaling right now from "destruction of the world" to a "shift in global consciousness" which is the other thing that has been bandied about. Don't forget Harold Camping, who backpedaled when the rapture didn't occur to saying that it was a day of "spiritual judgment" instead (he then amended his date to a few months later and that too passed without incident).

Too bad the whole December 21st 2012 thing didn't happen because if it did we would all be living in the world of Shadowrun right now! Something tells me being an elf would be awesome.

EDIT: Huge link of end of the world dates that didn't happen and future end of the world dates that won't happen right here for your perusal. Time to look forward to May 19th, 2013!
Thank you for the link and the observations, Pink Precious! Shadowrun is not my thing...I prefer the "dancing twilight world" of Grant Morrison's THE INVISIBLES for the day after December 21, 2012. In fact, Morrison's work (originally published back in 1994 - 2000) and Daniel Pinchbeck's essays (2102; NOTES FROM THE EDGE TIMES, etc) are what got me interested in the whole Mayan "Doomsday"fun. Be sure to check them out. (Arguably, the "star" of THE INVISIBLES is a transvestite shaman from Brazil named Lord Fanny - a wonderful character).
Mayan, all Mayan!

The Mayans themselves never predicted doomsday on that date. The baktun system rolls over on October 13, 4772. But there are time units going up to intervals of over 63 million years in the Mayan system.

The list of predicted doomsday dates is interesting. But they left out a few:

* The Sun is slowly getting hotter. In about a billion years the oceans will boil away and the Earth will be uninhabitable.

* According to some theories, in the distant future all the protons will decay.

* Some theories say that the forces making the universe expand faster and faster will reverse some day and cause it to collapse.

Of course, if a supernova ever went off too close to us it would really ruin our day.
Even though the seas will boil away sooner, we really don't have to worry about the sun enveloping the Earth for another 5 or 6 billion years. I'm looking forward to the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies in only a couple of billion years, the animations on YouTube look really pretty!

with my deepest curtsy for all,
Sissy Renee

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.
The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
Alice: How do you know I'm mad?
The Cat: You must be. Or you wouldn't have come here.

 Even though the seas will boil away sooner, we really don't have to worry about the sun enveloping the Earth for another 5 or 6 billion years. I'm looking forward to the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies in only a couple of billion years, the animations on YouTube look really pretty!


To the comments from SissyDesiree and Rene Descartes above:

APOCALYPSE WOW! Who would ever have thought that cosmic armageddon would sound I know, I know...I'm being weird....

Say...if we merged you two....Desiree Descartes? Sounds like a great porn name...or action movie star!
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