PG 13 sissy pansy's new diapers
pansy's Daddy bought the sissy a whole slew of heavy-duty baby girl printed diapers,the sissy loves showing them to everybody... sissy pansy is so HAPPY to be a little girl, and she even has her Daddy feed her a bottle of prune juice and laxatives
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sissy pansy's new diapers - pansy's Daddy bought the sissy a whole slew of heavy-duty baby girl printed diapers,the sissy loves showing them to everybody... sissy pansy is so HAPPY to be a little girl, and she even has her Daddy feed her a bottle of prune juice and laxatives, sissy,adult baby,age regression,diapers,humiliation, Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Feminization sissy pansy's new diapers - pansy's Daddy bought the sissy a whole slew of heavy-duty baby girl printed diapers,the sissy loves showing them to everybody... sissy pansy is so HAPPY to be a little girl, and she even has her Daddy feed her a bottle of prune juice and laxatives, sissy,adult baby,age regression,diapers,humiliation, Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Feminization
sissy pansy's new diapers - pansy's Daddy bought the sissy a whole slew of heavy-duty baby girl printed diapers,the sissy loves showing them to everybody... sissy pansy is so HAPPY to be a little girl, and she even has her Daddy feed her a bottle of prune juice and laxatives, sissy,adult baby,age regression,diapers,humiliation, Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Feminization
sissy pansy's new diapers - pansy's Daddy bought the sissy a whole slew of heavy-duty baby girl printed diapers,the sissy loves showing them to everybody... sissy pansy is so HAPPY to be a little girl, and she even has her Daddy feed her a bottle of prune juice and laxatives, sissy,adult baby,age regression,diapers,humiliation, Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Feminization
sissy pansy's new diapers - pansy's Daddy bought the sissy a whole slew of heavy-duty baby girl printed diapers,the sissy loves showing them to everybody... sissy pansy is so HAPPY to be a little girl, and she even has her Daddy feed her a bottle of prune juice and laxatives, sissy,adult baby,age regression,diapers,humiliation, Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Feminization
sissy pansy's new diapers - pansy's Daddy bought the sissy a whole slew of heavy-duty baby girl printed diapers,the sissy loves showing them to everybody... sissy pansy is so HAPPY to be a little girl, and she even has her Daddy feed her a bottle of prune juice and laxatives, sissy,adult baby,age regression,diapers,humiliation, Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Feminization
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lil sissie's Mummy
Hmmm I have a very good feeling that there is going to be one very messy nappie 
Baby Puss
Oh some very cutesie new diapers you do have there. They look like they should stand the test of all that prune juice too. 
You look very nice and I love the new bigger nappies. It looks like you will need them drinking all that prune juice   
No need to raise the hem on that oh so short cute dress showing your diapers. The hem being that short you are showing more than eyeful as it is !
Baby Butch
Those are wonderful new diapers. Love the short dress with the red bow. I saw your story in the DDD on PDQ. You are a sissybaby by choice rather than force!
@ Baby Butch
  oh yes, baby butch dear, this sissy is definetly a sissy by choice, even thought it been 7+ years of being permanently regressed,  this sissy would have liked it to start regressing many years earlier. this sissy little girls wished that it didn't have to pretend to be a 'grown-up' for so long  
permanently a sissybaby 
thank you everyone for your comments, this sissy little girl really appreciates each and every one of you
permanently a sissybaby 
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