PG 13 Ascared Little Girl
my Daddy/Master is properly head to a Nursing home, and as i cant take of the house, one of relatives will have to move her, (maybe His Son) and He is mean, and he doesnt like me.
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Ascared Little Girl - my Daddy/Master is properly head to a Nursing home, and as i cant take of the house, one of relatives will have to move her, (maybe His Son) and He is mean, and he doesnt like me., sissy,humiliation,permanent age regression,diapers,adult little girl, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Feminization,Diaper Lovers Ascared Little Girl - my Daddy/Master is properly head to a Nursing home, and as i cant take of the house, one of relatives will have to move her, (maybe His Son) and He is mean, and he doesnt like me., sissy,humiliation,permanent age regression,diapers,adult little girl, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Feminization,Diaper Lovers
Ascared Little Girl - my Daddy/Master is properly head to a Nursing home, and as i cant take of the house, one of relatives will have to move her, (maybe His Son) and He is mean, and he doesnt like me., sissy,humiliation,permanent age regression,diapers,adult little girl, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Feminization,Diaper Lovers
Ascared Little Girl - my Daddy/Master is properly head to a Nursing home, and as i cant take of the house, one of relatives will have to move her, (maybe His Son) and He is mean, and he doesnt like me., sissy,humiliation,permanent age regression,diapers,adult little girl, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Feminization,Diaper Lovers
Ascared Little Girl - my Daddy/Master is properly head to a Nursing home, and as i cant take of the house, one of relatives will have to move her, (maybe His Son) and He is mean, and he doesnt like me., sissy,humiliation,permanent age regression,diapers,adult little girl, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Feminization,Diaper Lovers
Ascared Little Girl - my Daddy/Master is properly head to a Nursing home, and as i cant take of the house, one of relatives will have to move her, (maybe His Son) and He is mean, and he doesnt like me., sissy,humiliation,permanent age regression,diapers,adult little girl, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Feminization,Diaper Lovers
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this is all very True...i habe the feeling that in a few months my live will change.....if something bad Health wise happens to my Daddy/ Master. His Son gets ownership of the house and He doesn't like me and already told me i cant live there..   Honestly, i really can't take care of house, bills, or chores, and this little girl knows he would kick me out.....       I am so afraid that i become homeless, the only yhing i own is my clothes, a few items and a few dolls and stuffies.. i get a small check for my cancer, but i really don't think i coud take care of myself, and that makes me scared as i might be taken by someone that woud want to do things to me that i dont like or want. 8 or so years ago when i agree to be permanently regressed yo a little girl, i didn't think about....may be i shoud have 
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lil sissie
mes pways for ooo babygirlpansy ans hopes ebery fing works out for ooo 
Baby Puss
That is, or would be awful. I hope something can be worked out. We only wish the best for you. 
lil sissie's Mummy
so sorry to hear this babygirlopansy wish thetre was something I could do to help 
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I just hope that things work out for you.     
Baby Butch
Blessings to you Babygirlpansy. I hope the situation does not turn out as bad as it appears. LOL Baby Butch Public assistance may be an option.
Baby Jasmine
 I always figured  one day maybe 20 or so years from. Now I'll probably  end up in a nursing  home. Pretty sure I'll be incontinent  I'll at least get to wear diapers. Times have  changed. Who knows it may be that a nursing home may be a good option  for you to.
@ Baby Jasmine
  this little girl never thinked of that, dear
permanently a sissybaby 
I wish you all the best Babygirlpansy. I am sorry to hear about your troubles but like everyone all here. I do sincerely hope all goes well for you.
*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
@ SissyBabyPet
  Tank you for caring, dear
permanently a sissybaby 
You could start a only fans site and make thousands a month just being you.  
@ SissyMichelle67
  i would have no idea what to do .....just add pitures ??
permanently a sissybaby 
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