R First day at school (part 2)
First day at school continued, further parts to follow.
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First day at school (part 2) - First day at school continued, further parts to follow., School girl,sissy,wetting,panties,nappies,spanking,humiliation, Diaper Lovers,Adult Babies,Feminization,Spankings,Wetting Without Diapers First day at school (part 2) - First day at school continued, further parts to follow., School girl,sissy,wetting,panties,nappies,spanking,humiliation, Diaper Lovers,Adult Babies,Feminization,Spankings,Wetting Without Diapers
First day at school (part 2) - First day at school continued, further parts to follow., School girl,sissy,wetting,panties,nappies,spanking,humiliation, Diaper Lovers,Adult Babies,Feminization,Spankings,Wetting Without Diapers
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  The spanking from Miss Wilberforce was no worse than anything dished out by my aunties. Twelve slaps to the bottom with a slipper, six to each cheek, left me with a fierce stinging glow.  Worse was suffering the embarrassment of having to stand with my nose against the wall, hands on my head, with my skirt tucked up so everyone could see my sore bottom. Eventually, with sore arms too, I was allowed to sit down on my cold chair. I shuffled about but could feel the damp patch in my panties and I was desperate to pee-pee. I tentatively raised my hand, “please may I go to the toilet Miss.” “You’ve caused enough disruption already this morning Poppy. You’ll wait until break time. Get on with your essay “Why I want to be a sissy maid”, four pages of A4 and no more nonsense from you .” Slowly I picked up my pen, it wasn’t many minutes before I felt the desperate need to pee. Simone, with her sleek dark haired bob, joyfully called out “Miss! Poppy has wet her panties!” immediately setting off giggles around the class. “Go to Matron immediately. I don’t want any mess in my classroom”. I clutched my dress to me and stumbled for the door, flush faced with gales of laughter ringing in my ears. I tentatively knocked on Matron’s door. “You’re Poppy, the new girl, what brings you here?” A stern and shapely figure in her white uniform, dark hair tightly pulled back into a bun, I froze and thrust Miss Wilberforce’s note at her and stared, red faced, at my toes. “My. My. You’ve had quite a morning and it’s only going to get worse. Nothing to say for yourself?” I shook my head glumly. “Head up! Speak girl when I ask you a question!” “No Matron”. I looked past her, above her huge antique desk, a wall cabinet displayed a large collection of canes, tawses, riding crops and paddles. She smirked as she caught my fearful gaze. “Go through into the nursery. Take off those wet panties and put them in the bin, thoroughly wash your hands and get onto the changing table.” I stared in amazement at the bright pink room with princess decorations, the large high sided cot, highchair, play pen, bouncy cradle and so many baby toys and dollies. Then the shelves on the walls all neatly stacked with brightly coloured nappies. Who was this all for? “Do you like our nursery? Wouldn’t you like to live here?” Matron smirked, “up on the table with you.” I pulled myself up, the cold top comforting on my hot bottom. Matron put on her rubber gloves and pulled up my dress and laughed. I squirmed again with shame. “Not much to see here”, she chortled, piling on my embarrassment. With no nonsense she briskly wiped my bottom and bits clean. Then she rubbed thick cream between my cheeks, legs and over my bits. I could feel myself stiffening at her vigorous touch leading to another two slaps. Choosing a thick bright blue nappy and nappy pad she lifted my legs to slip them on, not missing the chance to get in a couple of smart slaps to my already sore bottom, she soon had me covered and followed up with a plastic nappy cover, its elastic tight around my legs and waist. “Stand up and I’ll adjust it for tightness so there won’t be any leaks”. A she turned away I dropped my hands pulling at it, hoping it was easy to get off. She heard what I was trying to do and slapped my hands away. “Back on the table and stop fiddling or you’ll find out how hard I can swing my cane!” The final indignity was watching as she locked the thick pink straps around my nappy. She smiled satisfied with her work, “no escape for you now”. “For lunch I think it’s appropriate that such a baby as you is put in the high chair and fed from a bottle. I’ll get Simone and Daisy from your class to help. A nice big bottle from each of them and one from me. Won’t that be fun? If your nappy is dry when you go home every day this week then you’ll have earned the reward of being returned to pretty panties.” I groaned inwardly, there was no way I could stay dry after so much to drink. “I’ll speak to your mother and aunts. I think you’d be an ideal candidate to stay in the nursey for the five weeks until half term so the girls can learn how much trouble it is to look after a sissy baby like you. All that feeding, nappy changing, fussing over,entertaining, taking for walks, bathing and putting to bed, such a lot of work.” “Please Matron, I’ll try to be better.” “I’ve read your file. Your mother says you need to change your attitude and become a polite, obedient and dainty little girl and I think this will make you realise how lucky you are!”
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Baby Butch
Have you been feeling a bit humiliated lately Sissy Poppy?  Life is a learning experience so get used to it. LOL
Sissy Poppy
@ Baby Butch
  It's about to get even more embarrassing in the nursery with a pink gingham uniform and nappies all the time.
Oh what a naughty girl peeing your panties. You have got what you deserve the humiliation of having to wear nappies like the sissy baby you are    
Sissy Poppy
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Yes you are absolutely right.  No it will be nappies all the time from now on,  just what I deserve for being such a naughty girl.
Erica lee day
I wish I could go to this school. You are so lucky that you are back in school to learn how to be a little dainty girl.
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