PG 13 Afternoon nap
Little imaginary story to go with my photos
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Afternoon nap - Little imaginary story to go with my photos, petticoat,little girl dress,Nappy,Teddy,bottle, Diaper Lovers,Adult Babies,Feminization,Slow Change,Hormones
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 "Go up to the nursery. I'll be there in a minute. Nanny Miranda will change your nappy and put you in your cot for your afternoon nap Sweetikins." I couldn't reply. The only time I was allowed to take my dummy out was when I was given a bottle to suck on. 

When I came to stay at Auntie's she said I wouldn't have a care in the world, they would look after me in every possible way, feeding me, teaching me to help around the house and providing lots of pretty clothes for me to wear. I hadn't realised what that meant. At first I was dazzled by all the attention, cuddles and petting but then found all my manhood draining away and discovered I loved my new life.

My nappy was so full and heavy I longed for them to change it.

"We've thrown your potty away. From now on you will wear a nappy all the time so you don't even have to think about controlling yourself. Isn't that thoughtful of us! Finish your bottle  and then get down on your changing mat."

Nanny Miranda pulled up my legs, stripping away the sodden nappy. Wiping me clean she then spread delicious smelling cream around my bottom and bits. I cringed as my excitement was clear to both of them. "Well we can see how much you enjoy this," she chortled, shaking baby powder over me before putting on a new nappy and slipping a pink princess babygrow over my head..

I lay in my cot pretending be asleep. I could hear Auntie and Nanny Miranda talking.

"I've booked the little sissy into the clinic tomorrow for  a colonic irrigation."
"Then we can adjust the bottle feeds to make sure he has no control and is totally dependent on his nappies."
"We should increase the hormone dose too. Her breasts have just started to develop."
"Not too far. We must make sure he still gets embarrassed when his little pee-pee stiffens with excitement at all his girly soft panties and petticoats."
The door closed behind them, all I could hear was their laughter as I drifted off to sleep.
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What a wonderful contrasting diaper cover and you sure have been taught how to show it off. 
Sissy Poppy
@ sissywanabe2
  Yes displaying a big full nappy to everyone is what I'm told to do.
Baby Puss
A fun short story, and a lovely outfit. Like in the story, it sure looks as though your nappy is very sodden. Very squishy, walking, and sitting. It would be fun to see you come down the stairs on your sodden nappy, bumping your thick soaked bum, on every stair tread. Bump, BOOM, bump, BOOM! That’s the way a cute wet sissy comes down the stairs, lol 😆 
Sissy Poppy
@ Baby Puss
  Thank you, it's lovely to dress and dream of fun things to do. Oh! sodden nappy squished into me on every step, what a fabulous thought.
 love to talk to other  sissys like  me i dress up all the  time  call anthony 706 715 0633 
A nice short story. You look well padded for a nap at anytime      
Sissy Poppy
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Huge full nappies should be such a part of our lives.
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