R sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits
there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl
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sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
sissy pansy in one of its most babyish outfits - there is no denying that pansy is a sissybaby, just look at the outfit the sissy is wearing today. A TS friend of pansy's MASTER thinks pansy should be regressed down even further, to maybe a 1 or 2 year-old little girl , sissy,adult baby,humiliation,age regression, Adult Babies,Feminization
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Baby Puss
Oh my, what a cute little sissy baby you are. Now be sure to make all gone, with your baba, and make your diapies all wetties.  That’s what they’re for, and that what you need to do! 😉
lil sissie
 What a little cutie You are better not wet that nappie cause Mommy might not change you
 lil sissie
Baby Butch
Better be careful or they will make you a newborn. Love the dazzling display of sissybaby images. Keep up the good work.
I’m thinking the TS friend May be right and I think 2 year old would be just right 
Kept in diapers and cute baby clothes regressed bottle fed and a sissy baby girl
thank you for all the comments, everyone on sissy kiss is so nice 
Hiya Pansy! My oh my, you look every inch the little sissy baby girl you are. Love those petticoats honey - nice and short to show everybody that you are permanently kept in your diapers like a big baby. It looks like the writing is definitely on the wall - would I be right in thinking that you may be made to wear those words on a little sign hanging around your neck when you are taken out of doors?
    Fantastic photos sweetie, you look wonderful. xxx
    MU-WAH!!! luv and hugs from Kay Kandyfloss   xxx
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