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R Petticoating Daddy
Look what happens when Heather and her girlfriend turn him into a darling little sissy
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Petticoating Daddy - Look what happens when Heather and her girlfriend turn him into a darling little sissy, sissy caption , Feminization,Sissy Fashion
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 But they decided to make him a "black lace and smoky nylons" kind of girl for his debut in public. his panties were sheer and lacy, and hid absolutely nothing!! And the girls made over him, rolling his nylons on shaved legs and making sure his seams were straight.

They said things like "I bet you're going to drive the boys wild when they see Missy in his baby doll black nightie."  He blushed like a tween. "You know what they say about girls that wear black lace, don't you?"  Yes, he knew, he said it often enough when he was a "man." 

   "Do a little calendar girl pose, Daddy!" So cute, one leg just a bit in front of the other!  "Don't make a sticky mess or we'll have to change your black lace panties for a little girl pull-up."   But what's a girl to do? I adored being swallowed in black lace, nylon and ruffles!!! And they knew exactly what buttons to push. I craved public humiliation but was also horrified at being exposed!

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A job well done, how humiliating for him - but of course he's really in Sissy rapture ....
Baby Butch
The story starts out very humiliating for John and continues that way. Could he be bending over in pic 4 so his stiffy does not poke out between the petticoats? Great story and love the ending!
I love this!! 
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