All PG 13 Happily Ever After (Private for LuvsBabyJJ)
At their lowest points in their own worlds, the Disney Princesses are given a chance to find a new happy ending together...
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It was an odd, idyllic little world where it all began, tucked between realities. Just on the border of possibility and absurdity. If it had a name, it was a secret; some of its inhabitants childishly called it Babyland in reflection of its people, but it had known other names.

It was, in many ways, a heaven; the weather was always nice, as though the world passed every day in the very prime of spring. The passage of time was lazy and meaningless; old age and death were equally unknown to this place, as were violence and strife. A serene, youthful energy abounded in everything, perhaps explaining the many innocent, childlike inhabitants that lived there. And while some of its ways seemed strange to those from outside, it was a world where anyone could be safe and happy.

Queen Rosaline, the ruler of the large portion of the world that was known as Babyland, however, was looking beyond her happy little world with her magic, and she was troubled by what she saw. Six young women, pure-hearted and lovely, who she had been keeping an eye on, were adrift in their worlds, lost and beginning to despair.

Something had to be done, and she suspected she knew what. She turned to one of her magic mirrors, speaking as though someone was in the room with her.

"Have you thought about what I've asked, cousin?" She asked politely.

"I have," A lovely woman's voice, sounding about the Queen's age, replied. "I think it's a wonderful idea."

"I leave it to you, then, cousin..." Rosaline said, smiling gratefully at the mirror.

On the other side of the mirror, and in actuality some distance away from Queen Rosaline's castle, a lovely young woman nodded, dismissing the magic that enabled the conversation and letting her reflection return to the mirror. 

Rosaline's cousin, known as The Duchess to most of Babyland, turned from the mirrors she had been using to watch the Princesses her cousin had taken an interest in to address her loyal knights.

"Six young ladies are in trouble, my dear friends...alone in the world, and bereft of hope. My cousin and I wish to help them, all of them, find a better life here. Please go to them, my friends, and bring them home safe and sound!"

With the order given, the knights were soon off, traveling out of their idyllic world to rescue the six princesses from their unhappy fates.
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Princess Jaina
The four knights were all lithe and supple young women, appearing at first glance to be in their early twenties, but an ageless wisdom shone in their eyes.

Calixta, Knight of Clubs, and Sophia, Knight of Spades, were twin sisters, with long black hair and brown eyes... and Helena, Knight of Hearts, and Demetria, Knight of Diamonds, were also twin sisters, with long red hair and green eyes.

Each knight wore a red or black knee-length tunic, over which she wore a light coat of brightly polished mail that shone like pure silver, and over that she wore a white over-tunic emblazoned in red or black with whichever symbol was hers.

The four knights saluted the Duchess and took their leave of her fair castle, to mount their noble white horses and ride off on their quest...



Snow White lay sobbing on the forest floor.  She was alone, lost, and terrified.  Run away, the huntsman had said after sparing her life.  But run away to where?  The little princess had grown up in her step mother's castle, working as a scullery maid, knowing no life beyond the castle walls.  She had dreamed of a prince coming to find her, and sweeping her away to a happy ending... but how could that ever be?  She was no princess now, Snow thought... just a little girl lost in a forest.

Some animals emerged from their nests and burrows, timidly at first.  Growing curious, however, they scurried over to the sobbing princess and nuzzled her a bit.

"Oh!" said Snow, sitting up in surprise.  "I'm sorry," she told the little animals.  "I didn't mean to fuss.  It's just, I'm lost, and alone, and have no where to go.  I can't say in a tree, or a log, or a hole, like you do."

The animals seemed to understand, though they did not speak.  The bunny rabbits and squirrels stayed close, and the birds sat in the tree branches and sang, trying to do what they could to cheer up the young princess.  A young buck, his antlers only just grown, sat down beside Snow and lay his head in her lap, allowing the princess to pet him fondly.

Suddenly a new pair of birds appeared, chirping excitedly.  The birds in the trees chirped among themselves, then fluttered close to the ground chirping to the other animals, who sat up, excited.  The young buck nuzzled Snow White fondly, and then stood up, seeming to nod his head, and began to trot through the woods, heading west... but pausing to look back at Snow White, as if beckoning her to follow him.

Interested, Snow got to her feet and followed the buck, who was moving a little fast, but a very easy pace for a young deer.

They had not gone very far when they came to a clearing in the forest.  In the clearing stood a beautiful and powerful-looking white horse.  Astride the steed was a woman with long red hair, dressed much like a knight, including shiny mail and a slender sword... with a red heart emblazoned on her white over-tunic.

"Hello, Snow White," the woman greeted, smiling warmly, as if greeting a long-lost friend.

"Oh," said Snow, surprised and shy, "oh, hello.  I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"No, Snow," the woman explained, shaking her head a little.  "My name is Helena, and I come from a kingdom very far from yours.  We know of your stepmother, the Queen, in our land, and I have been sent to bring you to stay with us for a while, if you would like."

"With you?" Snow White asked earnestly.  "Well I've nowhere else to go, and I promise I'll help as best I can.  I can wash, and cook, and..."

Helena laughed and shook her head.  "My dear Snow White.  You are a princess, are you not?  Your stepmother may force you to be her scullery maid, but in our kingdom you shall live like the princess you are."

"I don't understand," said Snow.  "How could you know about..."

"Our queen uses a gentle kind of magic, Snow White," Helena explained.  "She is able to watch over people in our own kingdom as well as in distant lands who need help.  Your stepmother uses magic too, I should add, though for much darker purposes.  Fortunately, as powerful as she is, your stepmother is not strong enough to follow us and you will be safe in our kingdom, where you will have a home for all time."

"Oh, thank you!  Thank you, Helena," Snow White beamed and clasped her hands, looking up at the knight with almost hero worship.  Helena smiled and held out her hand.  Snow White took it and let herself be helped up onto the back of the white horse.  She held firmly onto Helena's waist as the knight whispered something to the horse, and they at last they sped off, to a new life.

They road for much of the day, emerging from the forest at the base of some sheer, craggy mountains.  In the rock face in front of them there was a wide cleft.  Helena dismounted, helped Snow White down, and led both her horse and the princess through the pass...

On the other side, Snow White found herself staring at a countryside more beautiful than anything she'd ever dreamed of.  All around her it smelled like spring.  The sky was warm and blue, and the puffy clouds had a distinct pearl-pink hue to them.  Fields of green grass and flowers of all shades of pink, blue, and yellow spanned as far as she could see.  She could see lush forests in the distance, as well as wonderful, homey-looking farms and towns.  Behind her, instead of the mountains the forests at the edge of her stepmother's kingdom, was only a single mountain stretching up like a spire, looking like it was made of pure white marble.  At the base of the mountain was carved an elegant archway opening into a tunnel into the mountain.  And from that tunnel emerged a road that looked like it was cobbled in pink and white stone, but actually felt soft and carpeted under Snow White's dainty feet.

"Oh!" Snow White exclaimed.  "How beautiful!  What is this place called, Helena?"

"Our land is known by many names, Snow," the knight explained.  "Its true name is secret, but my mistress, the Duchess, calls it the Land of Bliss."

"The Land of Bliss?" Snow White repeated softly.  "That's beautiful."

"It is," Helena agreed.  "Now then, this road we stand on will lead you straight to the Duchess's castle, and you are expected.  It's an easy walk, and you'll be there in plenty of time for supper.  I would go with you, but there are others, in other lands, who need my help.  Welcome to our land, Princess Snow White!"

Helena led her horse back into the mountain tunnel and disappeared, leaving Snow on the road.  The young princess drew in a deep breath of the fresh, sweet air around her and set off along the road away from the mountain.  She could see lovely white castle, trimmed in pink and gold, on a low hilltop not far in the distance, and the road did indeed lead straight to it.  Smiling at the pleasant sights all around her, Snow White began her short walk to the Duchess's castle...

It was supposed to be the most wonderful night of her life, but it had turned into a nightmare so quickly.

Cinderella knelt before the small, white bench her mother had sat in a lifetime go, her face in her arms as she sobbed helplessly.

She had always tried to keep her chin up, believe in her dreams coming true one day. She had always thought if she kept on believing, one day things would change. It was supposed to be today. She had worked so hard, and her friends had gone through such effort to finish her night, she had been sure she could be happy. Even if everything went back to how it was tomorrow, she would have had tonight.

But her stepmother had gotten the better of her again, and all her friends' hard work had been destroyed by her stepsisters in an instant. In one stroke, Cinderella's stepfamily had finally broken all her precious dreams.

"Oh, no. No, it isn't true. It's just no use. No use at all," She sobbed, closing her eyes as tears burned them. "I can't believe. Not anymore. There's nothing left to believe in. Nothing."

She thought to have no company but the sound of her own crying and the tolling of that awful clock the whole night, but Cinderella heard soft, slow hoofbeats seem to come from nowhere behind her. At first, she ignored them, miserable as she was, but something clicked in her head; she had never heard that before. She knew Major's stride, and this was not her dear old horse she heard now. Cinderella looked up, mortified at the thought of being seen crying like a child in her rags, but the sight awaiting her gave her quite a shock.

There was a white mare behind her, powerful and noble-looking, but with an air of gentle serenity; Cinderella knew the hearts of animals well enough to know at once the mare was a kindred spirit with her own kind-tempered horse. Her attention turned to its rider, and she was once again surprised. She had dreamed as a little girl of knights on fine white steeds such as this, but she had not expected a woman with long red hair, wearing the shining mail and bearing a slender sword. The woman did not seem to be any knight of the realm she knew, with that red diamond emblazoned on her white over-tunic rather than any coat of arms Cinderella recognized. Cinderella would have been frightened by this strange woman's sudden appearance, were it not for the kindness in her green eyes.

"You are mistaken, dear Cinderella..." She said kindly, dismounting to stand evenly with the astonished young woman and gently raising her chin to look her in the eyes. "There is still something you can believe in."

"T-There is?" Cinderella asked, scrambling for words and blushing. "I-I am sorry, but do I know you? How do you know my name?"

"This is our first meeting," The woman replied, smiling a little before bowing low to Cinderella. "My name is Demetria, and my Queen has sent me to comfort you in this time, and offer invitation; if you desire, I will take you from this place to live with us, as long as you would like."

"An invitation? From a Queen?" Cinderella repeated in surprise. There was only a king at the castle, his wife gone to her rest some time ago. How far had Demetria ridden to bring her this invitation, and... "H-How did she know I needed help?"

"Our Queen has magic," Demetria explained kindly, straightening back up. "She has been watching over you, and several young women like you in need of her aid. Seeing what you have endured here, she bid me to come to our kingdom, where you can have a good home for all time."

It sounded too good to be true, and while Cinderella dearly wished to be away from this place, she lowered her head sadly.

"I am merely a maid, Miss Demetria. I don't know that I would be good company in the land of a Queen," She mumbled, remembering how her hopes had been dashed moments ago. To her surprise, Demetria laid a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, and meeting her gaze, Cinderella found herself trusting the lady knight on instinct.

"The cruelty of your stepmother may have forced you to live like a servant these long years, Cinderella, but you have the heart of a Princess, pure and wonderful in a way she cannot comprehend. My Queen saw it in you, as I see it now," She said gently. "If you come with me, Cinderella, I promise you will be treated as the Princess you deserve to be."

Cinderella couldn't help herself; she began to cry again, hugging Demetria; even a little kindness was like a ray of light at a time like this, and Demetria's had been overwhelming.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" She sobbed, as Demetria held her comfortingly.

When Cinderella was able to regain her control, Demetria offered her a white handkerchief with a red diamond pattern to dry her tears, before gently helping Cinderella up onto her horse. Cinderella took a look back at her Father's home as they departed, but she knew in her heart it was not her home any longer while that cruel woman and her daughters lived there. She had to trust in Demetria, and hope that there was a chance for a better life ahead of her.

Demetria rode out through the woods, and over the river, to an old arch Cinderella had seen many times as a girl. It had been part of something once, but it had simply stood empty by the roadside for as long as Cinderella could remember.

When they passed under the arch, however, Cinderella was surprised to find herself in a new place entirely; night turned to day in a blink as she found herself and Demetria in a warm, beautiful landscape in the height of spring, soft pastel colors as far as the eye could see. Cinderella looked about in wonder as Demetria gently helped her down from the horse onto a pink and white cobbled road, which felt surprisingly like soft carpet under her feet!

"It's beautiful..." She whispered, looking around. She looked up at Demetria in wonder. "Where are we? How did we get here?"

"It is known by a great many names, but the one I find suits it bests is the Land Of Bliss," Demetria replied kindly. "Coming and going is easy, once you know the trick of it." She pointed down the road. "This path leads to the home of my lady, the Duchess, our Queen's cousin. She will be expecting you, and I suspect she will have a change of clothes and supper ready for your arrival."

"Will we not be going there together, Miss Demetria?" Cinderella asked.

"I'm afraid not; there are others like you my friends and I are bringing here...I suspect you will be meeting them soon." Demetria smiled at Cinderella. "Welcome to our home, Cinderella. We will meet again soon."

And with that, she was gone, back through the arch and beyond Cinderella's sight. Cinderella was left alone in this strange new world, but she found that she was not at all afraid.

In the place of her tears, Cinderella began to smile as she walked forward. The worst was behind her, she felt...but coming here, she knew in her heart something wonderful yet lay ahead.
Princess Jaina

 "This one last gift, dear child, for thee... a crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right, and royal duty." 

With the beautiful golden tiara place upon her head, the young woman's life was changed completely.  No longer was she Briar Rose, a peasant girl raised by her aunts in their cottage in a forest glen.  She was Princess Aurora, heiress to a kingdom she had never known and betrothed to a prince she had never met.  Her "aunts" were not her family at all, but fairies merely disguised as peasant woman.  And the princess's first love, that dashing young nobleman she had met in the forest, she was forbidden to ever see again.  Just when it had seemed that Aurora's lifelong dreams were coming true, they had been ripped away forever, and she had been cast into a new life she knew nothing about, yet where so much seemed to be expected of her.

Burying her face in her arms on the vanity table, Aurora began sobbing softly, but uncontrollably.

"Now, dear," Fauna began sadly, before Flora intervened.

"Come," the lead fairy whispered, escorting the other two from the room, into the castle hallway.  "Let her have a few moments alone."

How long Aurora sat in the dim, unfamiliar castle room and cried, she wasn't sure.  It could not have been very long, though it seemed endless.  When suddenly she felt a strong but warm hand on her back, rubbing in small circles, trying to soothe and reassure the heartbroken princess.  Surprised, Aurora sat up slowly, knowing before seeing that it was not one of the fairies in the room with her now.

The woman in the room was slender but strong-looking.  She had a lovely, youthful face but deep brown eyes that glinted with wisdom.  Her hair was long and black, reaching past her shoulders.  But it was the woman's garb that most intrigued Aurora.  The woman wore a shiny coat of mail, just a like a knight's, and a slender sword was buckled at her waist.  And her over-tunic was white, emblazoned with a single black symbol... a club, Aurora recalled, from seeing it on the playing cards her "aunts" occasionally willed away the evenings with.

"Oh," said Aurora, "who are you?  Where did you come from?"

The woman smiled and bowed.  "My name is Calixta, your highness," she said.  "I am not from this castle, but I am skilled at finding my way to wherever I am needed."  As if to further make her point, Calixta drew out a white handkerchief with a pattern of black clubs on it and handed it to Aurora, so the princess could dry her eyes.

"I don't understand," Aurora said, and Calixta smiled sadly, seeing how truly lost the princess seemed.

"You're not happy here, are you, Princess Aurora?" she asked gently.  "Yes, I know who you are," she went on, explaining.  "Where I come from, it's very far from here, but our queen uses magic, much stronger than the fairies who claimed to be your aunts.  She watches over people in all lands who are in pain and need help, and that includes you, Princess Aurora."

"Who is your queen?" Aurora asked.  "And what is your land called."

"Our land has many names, your highness," Calixta replied, "but we often refer to it as the Land of Bliss."

The Land of Bliss??  Something about that name stirred Aurora's distant memories, memories of dreams she'd had long before she began to dream of a prince.  In her mind's eye, Aurora saw the most beautiful blue sky and pearl-pink clouds, green fields and forests full of flowers of every color, and farms, towns, and castles filled with cheer and love.

"You've seen our land, haven't you, Princess Aurora?" Calixta asked knowingly.  "Once upon a dream?"

Aurora gasped in recognition, her lovely violet-tinted blue eyes lit up, wide as saucers.  But before she could replay, Calixta went on.

"Yes, Princess.  I have indeed come to bring you to the Land of Bliss.  Dreams to come true there, and you will be welcomed as the princess you are."

Forgetting all sense of etiquette, Aurora threw her arms around Calixta.  "Yes!" she whispered.  "Please take me with you!  Please take me to the Land of Bliss!"

Suddenly the room was aglow with an eerie green light.  Calixta gently broke free of Aurora's embrace and spun to face the fireplace at the far end of the room.  Her sword glinted in her hand.

A tall, dark, and menacing figure stood in the fireplace, with wicked-looking black horns atop her head, and her eyes ablaze with green fire.

"The girl is mine!" a cruel voice boomed from the figure.

"I think not, Maleficent," Calixta replied calmly, almost casually.  With a fluid, seemingly effortless motion of her arm, she threw her sword.  End-over-end, the weapon hurtled across the room and pierced Maleficent's heart before the witch could even move.  Maleficent howled in agony and frustration and dissolved in wisps of green smoke.

"Evil witches," Calixta muttered.  "Your world is full of them, and that one was the worst.  They are cursed, loathsome beings, who can cause great suffering to so many people, such as yourself.  There are no witches in the Land of Bliss.  Our queen and her friends have such magic that they can never trouble us there.  Now then," Calixta went on, taking Aurora's hand.  "Let us be off."

They crossed the room, with Calixta retrieving her sword, and reached the fireplace where Maleficent had stood moments ago.  Calixta reached along the wall and pulled a hidden switch, and the back of the fireplace gave way to reveal a hidden stairwell, with long staircases winding both up and down.  Calixta led the way down the stairs, until at last they came to a door, which turned out to be a secret exit in the wall of the castle on an inconspicuous side.

Once out the door, the lady-knight and the princess vanished silently into the evening, into the woods beyond the castle, where a beautiful, powerful-looking white mare awaited them.  Calixta mounted effortlessly and gave Aurora a hand up, and they were away.  Aurora sat behind Calixta and held the lady-knight around the waist as they dashed through the forest.  Feeling safe, and for once like she had a chance to be happy, Aurora actually nodded off, leaning safely against Calixta's back as they rode.

When Aurora woke up, she was still seated behind Calixta on the horse's back, but she found herself in an all-new place.  She was in the Land of Bliss.  All around her it was exactly as she had dreamed when she was a young girl.

"Why, I have seen this place!  I have been here before!" she exclaimed with delight.  "It's just like my dreams from so long ago!  Thank you, Lady Calixta!  Thank you so much!"

Calixta laughed softly.  She dismounted and helped Aurora down as well.  Aurora noticed that she was standing on a road through the countryside, a road that looked to be cobbled in pink and white, but was as soft as a carpet underfoot.

"There is no need to thank me, Princess Aurora," Calixta replied, smiling.  "Our queen decreed  that you were among those to be brought here, for a chance at a happy life.  Her cousin, the Duchess, is expecting you.  This very road will take you straight to the Duchess's castle, and... oh my, Princess Aurora, look at your dress!"

Looking down, Aurora noticed that her beautiful dress, the one truly nice thing that the fairies had given her for her birthday, had changed from royal blue to the loveliest soft shade of pink!

"The fabric must have been pink originally," Calixta explained.  "One of your fairies must have changed the color with magic."

"Oh," said Aurora, "that would probably be Merryweather.  She always did like blue.  I rather like this color better myself."

"Yes," Calixta agreed, nodding and smiling.  "The pink does suit you quite well, sweet princess.  Now then, I would love to escort you to the Duchess's castle myself, but there are others in distant lands who need my help.  You cannot get lost in the Land of Bliss; the road will not allow it, for its purpose is always to help you find your way.  And the Duchess's castle is very near."

"Thank you, Lady Calixta," Aurora replied, smiling.  "Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for everything."

Calixta bowed again, and then mounted her horse, wheeled around, and rode off in the opposite direction.  Aurora, meanwhile, drew in a breath of the sweet spring air and headed along the road.  She could indeed see the beautiful castle just ahead, and her heart raced with delight as she slightly quickened her steps...

It was strange how life had changed so quickly for her over these last few days, Ariel thought, as she slumped at the docks, eyes burning with tears but lacking a voice to cry out with.

It had not been so long ago that she had been a mermaid princess, the youngest of King Triton's many daughters, singing in her beautiful voice, exploring the ocean, and finding many remarkable things for her collection.

Then, only a few days ago, she had rescued Prince Eric from drowning, and her entire world had changed once; she'd fallen in love with a human.

Her world had changed again, in a much more horrible way, not long after that; her father had been furious when he discovered her fascination with the world above the waves, and in his wrath, he had destroyed her collection. Feeling alienated from her family, Ariel had made a pact with the Sea Witch, betting her life and sacrificing her voice for the chance to make Eric fall in love with her in three days. For the last two, she had managed to be happy again, despite everything that had happened. But now, on the third day, as the sun descended, Ariel sat at the docks, watching the Prince she'd adored sailing away to marry another woman.

There was nothing left now. She'd lost her voice, her family, Eric...and in a matter of minutes, her freedom. Ursula would come to collect her prize before night fell, Ariel was certain of it; she would belong to the sea witch forever, thanks to the bargain she'd foolishly made. As the ship departed and the sun set, Ariel sobbed silently, bitterly regretting the decisions that had led her here, to the end of all her hopes and dreams.

"Do not despair, Princess Ariel."

Ariel looked around in astonishment for the gentle, female voice that addressed her; no one on land knew her name except Eric, and no mermaid's head was visible above the water.

Ariel was surprised, then, to find the woman who addressed her was a human, standing a short distance away on the docks.

The woman was lithe but strong in build, and Ariel realized she could not accurately determine her age.  She had a lovely, youthful face but brown eyes with a serene wisdom that seemed timeless. Her hair was long and black, reaching past her shoulders.  Ariel stared at the shining mail the woman wore in fascination, barely noticing her long, slender sword in the process; a suit of chain-mail had been a part of her collection once. It had rusted terribly under the water, and it was very heavy, but Ariel had been fascinated with how it shone when she polished it up. Scuttle had always told her it had been made by a man who thought he was a fish, but she found it hard to believe this woman, with her kind, intelligent eyes, did not know what she was. She recognized the little black symbol of a spade on the woman's tunic, thinking back to the game she'd watched some of Eric's subjects playing in the marketplace; cards had never lasted down in the ocean, and so she'd found them very interesting.

As had been the case all sixteen years of her life so far, Ariel was eaten up with curiosity about the woman, even in her darkest hour, but that only increased the bitterness of her situation and made her tears keep falling even as she stared at her; Ariel had so many questions, even now, and thanks to the Sea Witch she would never ask anyone anything ever again! The woman seemed to understand, however; she came over to Ariel and gently helped her to her feet, wiping away the younger woman's tears.

"Dry your eyes, dear Princess...I have come here to help you."

Ariel shook her head sadly, seeing the sun setting; she believed this woman meant what she said, but it was too late. If only they had met in the morning, there might have been a chance...

"I know your plight, Princess Ariel. The Sea Witch has ensnared you with a contract, and her magic is very strong."

Ariel nodded; the only magic stronger she knew of was her father's, and he couldn't help her now. To her surprise, the woman smiled at her.

"As I said, do not despair, dear Princess. My name is Sophia, the Knight of Spades, and my Queen has magic of her own." Gently moving Ariel aside, Sophia drew her sword; to Ariel's great surprise, Ursula's contract appeared before them, linked to Ariel and to the departing ship by glowing threads. Sophia stared it down like a loathsome creature from the deeps.

"Bound with magic, but enforced with trickery and lies. You have been deceived, Ariel, and my Queen will not allow you or your family to suffer for it. By her power...I now release you!"

The contract cried out as though it was Ursula herself as Sophia plunged her sword into it; the pact between Ariel and Ursula was shredded into a million pieces by the stab, and Ariel staggered momentarily as the thread broke, and she felt as though the clouds parted to let more light into the world. She knew, in the depths of her soul, she was free again, and gratitude surged from her heart up her throat.

"Thank you!" She burst out, before clapping her hands over her mouth in astonishment. "My voice! It's back!"

Sophia sheathed her sword, before drawing the little mermaid into a warm embrace.

"Ursula cheated you in order to claim you and gain power over your father. Perhaps in her world, that contract stands even so, but my Queen was able to use Ursula's own trickery to break the contract and take away her power over you. You are safe from her now, and the Sea Witch's power is broken. She will get what's coming to her soon enough when your father catches up to her." Sophia said gently, smiling down at Ariel.

"Why did you and your Queen do all this for me?" Ariel asked. "How can I ever repay you?"

"We did not come to your aid to seek reward, dear Princess, but because it was the right thing to do. My Queen watches over many worlds, and she wishes to aid those like yourself in need of a friend to trust in. She needs no more reward but to know that you will smile again, and neither do I."

Ariel couldn't help but give Sophia her most radiant smile as tears of joy and relief washed away the bitter despair from her face. Ursula had once presented herself much the same way, but it had been a lie to trick Ariel into trusting her; Sophia and her Queen had saved her from a terrible fate and now asked no reward of her but to be happy again. How could she deny them?

"My Queen also wished me to invite you to return home with me." Sophia went on. "Princess Ariel, if you wish it of me, I will take you from this place, back to the land of my birth...the Land of Bliss."

Ariel had never heard of the Land of Bliss, but her ignorance excited her; with her voice back, her curiosity was no longer bound, and only one question stopped her from immediately asking Sophia to take her there so she could find out all about it.

"It sounds so wonderful...but if I go, will I...?" She couldn't help but glance at the sea, but Sophia smiled understandingly.

"My Queen is not like Ursula. The Land of Bliss is home to you for as long as you wish it, but you will be able to come back to this land whenever you like. You can see your family again." She reassured her.

This knowledge meant Ariel could no longer hold back her enthusiasm; she grinned at Sophia, nodding.

"Then yes! Please, Miss Sophia, take me with you!" She said happily. Sophia grinned back, taking Ariel by the hand and leading her to a magnificent white mare at the end of the docks. Saddling up Ariel in front of her, Sophia rode across the beaches to a small, out-of-the-way grotto Ariel had never noticed before. Most horses would not approach such a place, but Sophia's entered without hesitation, and Ariel did not see how the entirely new land the grotto opened out into once it was through could be anything but the Land of Bliss. She stared around, fascinated by its beauty.

"Amazing..." She gasped, trying to take it all in at once. Sophia gently helped her down from the horse onto the pink and white road, which felt wonderful under Ariel's bare feet.

"My Queen's cousin, the Duchess, lives down this road; she is expecting you, and several others. I'm sure you have a great many questions for her." She said, smiling understandingly. Ariel nodded, but looked up at her savior.

"Where are you going, Sophia?"

"I live with the Duchess, but my services today are not yet ended. There are others who still need my help." Sophia explained, before leaning down and affectionately ruffling Ariel's hair. "You will see me again, dear Princess. Worry not."

"Thank you for everything, Sophia." Ariel said gratefully, watching the dark-haired knight gallop off to help someone else as she'd helped her just now.

Hugging herself in joy, Ariel set off down the road as fast as she could go. She could think of no better way to celebrate her freedom than to explore this new world.
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