PG Everybody is invited
a potty party where you get a certificate!
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You are going to a party!  But what kind of party is it?  You don't have a present so it's not a birthday party, just a card that Mommy says is your invitation.  That's a long word!  Mommy says you will learn lots of stuff at the party, and get a special certificate from Sissy Kiss private messages, and there's going to cake and juice and games.  Everybody who shows up in a diaper will get a certificate, whatever that is, and have lots of fun!

Holding Mommy's hand on one side, card in the other, you toddle along the sidewalk to your friend, Renee's, house.  You can hear shrieks and yells coming through the door as Mommy rings the doorbell, but when the door opens the sound of the children inside is so loud you can hardly hear anything at all.

"Hello, little one," shouts Renee's mom, "welcome to Renee's Potty Party!"  She's a nice lady.  She gives you juice and yummy cookies when you play with Renee, and she changes your diaper right away when you are uncomfy.  "You have to wait a bit to say hi to Renee, she's in a time-out."  Uhoh, you can see Renee in the corner, nose to the wall.  You know it's her because of the pretty pink tutu she has on.  She's in trouble again!  And you can see she has a very saggy diaper on beneath her tutu.

Now Renee's mom is yelling at Mommy over the noise.  "I'm sorry, but a certain little girl flushed diapers down every toilet in the house so there won't be any special  potty lessons today, but we have all this food and cake and punch, and all the kids are here, so I'll just have to make do."  That rhymes with number two! and you giggle.  "At least we have enough diapers in every size, we can't get a plumber till tomorrow."

You break away from Mommy and run into the house.  Where's the cake?  What games?  You see your friends from nursery school.  You see Renee in the corner.  What do you do?
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Abbey Thomson is a one of Renee ' s Nursery school mates, but didn't really get to know Renee too much. Abbey loved parties and she loved to show off her outfits and she loves attention so she had no qualms about dressing up in a yellow party dress with plenty of white petticoats under the skirt that helped draw attention to her large white diaper peeking under her skirt with baby yellow duckies on the bottom.

Mommie had changed Abbey before the party so she wasn't too worried about being changed. Abbey entered Renee ' s house and noticed the guest of honour in the corner in timeout with a bit of a sag in her diapered butt.

Abbey giggled childishly at the sight if Renee in trouble before feeling a grumble in her tummy. Abbey looked over to the large party cake and waddled over in her yellow baby booties.

In her cutest and most innocent bvoice, Abbey asked Renee ' s mom, "Msth Wenee'sth mommie, can I pweasth have uh swice uh cake and a baba of yummy milk?"
Princess Jaina
Emily Preston knows Renee very well.  Their moms are good friends, and Emily was in nursery school with Renee.  Emily is just a bit bigger than Renee.  She is already out of diapers (sort of) and about to start school like a big girl.

Secretly, Emily misses the comfy bliss of her diapers, though she'd never say so.  Her mommy would be quite upset if her lovely big girl Emily still liked diapers like a little baby girl, wouldn't she?  Even so, quite by accident, Emily does forget every now and then to go potty by herself and makes tinkles in her panties.

And so, on the day of Renee's party, Emily is wearing a pink Cinderella pull-up under her outfit... her loveliest little pink satin party dress with matching mary janes, and white tights.  Her pretty blonde hair is done up in a perfect Elsa braid (oh how Emily loves that movie!) with a pretty pink bow near the top.

But wait, what's this... Aw, poor Renee!  She's stuck in a timeout, and wearing a very saggy diaper!  And on the day of her potty party!  Emily wishes she could run over and give Renee a hug and a kiss, but that will have to wait, it seems.

Emily finds a few of her other friends from nursery school and they get a nice game of Candyland going.  In the middle of the game, Emily suddenly realizes she has to go potty.  But... she can't.  The toilets are all broken.  Does that mean... she has to go in her pull-up?!  Renee's mom did say she has plenty of diapers... in all sizes!  And she sounded quite happy about that.

Letting out her breath, Emily wets her pull-up like she has many times before.  A rush of excitement comes over her, as she suddenly realizes she has an excuse to take back one of life's little pleasures.

After helping her friends put away Candyland, Emily gets up and goes to find Renee's mom.  Coyly, she tells her the nice lady, "I wet... can you please change me into a a diaper??"
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
Finally!  Here's Mommy with my friend Emily in tow.  "I see I've got two very wet princesses here," she says and leads us to my bedroom where the bed has been covered with a waterproof pad for changing.  Quick as a fairy kiss we're wiped, oiled, powdered and snug in identical "Hello Kitty" diapees.

"Now I expect you to be good, Renee.  Perhaps you and Emily can go and say hi to your guests," and off we go, hand in hand.  We spot Abbey flopped in a bean bag sucking on a bottle of milk.  She's got brown handprints all over her face and pretty yellow dress. 

"Hi Abbey!  You gots cake all over!"  Emily giggles and so do I.
I laugh at her saggy diaper until mommy sees me and teaches me a lesson.
a new me teehee
From the corner of my eye I see my Mommy drag that weird girl, Jessy to my corner and leave her standing there, face to the wall.  I wonder what she did that was naughty?  I swipe a lick at Abbey's sleeve which is covered with chocolate frosting and delicious!
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