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PG 13 What would you do?
a brief summery what I'm workig with
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so I as a baby girl(I started the day waking up in my crib...and diapers....and baby girl dress...
Mommy is always busy so busy...that she's never around....5 -10 minutes  half hour at the most....and always replies with I'm tired....its time to clock work this mommy operates...

with that being said:I start a story

Early morning 4 am I wake up....mommy wakes up and prepares a bottle....and then comes in the nursery to change my diaper....and by the time 6 am comes around mommy gets picked up by another woman(very attractive ...well I find out Mommy's a lesbian(great news right?)wrong ....
so the lesbian was named Ashly and she says to me....You are soo cute....I'm like awkwardly thank I was attracted to mommy then says baby girl "Mommy's got to run out for a minute and you will have a baby sitter come by....I'll be back soon..
 so they leave me alone in a diaper, rent paid for 3 months apartment...and after like a half hour of being alone in my nursery...I'm like forget this bull....I didn't sign up for this over worked act of shame...and Dementia...
 Ok we're at the point of What would You do in this Sitch?

so I then climb out of my crib...I have baby mittens on so I'm trying to get those off...
and after 5 minutes I manage to do so....I get dressed in male clothing and leave...I get in my car and back home I go....2 hours later I get a phone message saying Baby girl where are you?

Me being Frustrated and 32 miles away
say I took off  I didn't sign up for Neglecting....and its been 3 months with her 2 years "knowing her(not really knowing her ) online thing....but yea so any way she replies with Sorry baby girl but you are to listen to my baby rules 100 percent....I'm like really? you don't do half the list you provide...and she replies with I'm trying here....I'm like yea you are not trying anything but getting together with your lezbo cute friend.
so yea I haven't seen her mommy in like 2 weeks now....but she insists that I must go home....should I go home or not?....what would you do?
Keli1980 is a baby girl to the right girl
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lil sissie
 Good story so far
well if i was your mommy id be worried about you  wanting you to come home
*unowned allie*
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