R 198 - This is Baby Tamsin
Peter is introduced as Baby Tamsin to his Mother-In-Law’s lady friends.
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198 - This is Baby Tamsin                  by Prim


“Here he is, Ladies. This is Baby Tamsin.”

“Oh, isn’t he CUTE!” “What a lovely baby dress you’ve got him in, Lesley.” “Doesn’t he make a perfect baby girl!” Lesley Wainwright’s guests were as full of gushing for her sissified son-in-law as she knew they would be.

“He’s had his ‘babe-agra’ pill this morning, so he’s feeling all the soft, frilly babyness we want in an adult infant. These frilled baby bloomers are hiding a lot of weak, effeminate feelings in the genital area.”

The women laughed. “I should think so too, if he is wearing that cherry-pink satin dress,” cried Barbara. “Any baby would be proud of it.”

There was a moment’s pause as Peter Slim had the back of his dress fussed by his Mother-In-Law. She decided to undo the satin sash ribbon at the back and do it again into an even bigger bow. The drapes trailed over the frills and buttons of his baby bloomers. Her son-in-law hung his head, feeling the heat of his burning cheeks.

“Do you like wearing your lovely baby dress, Baby Tamsin?” prompted Zara. All Lesley’s visitors were about her age, in their fifties at least.

The anguished son-in-law couldn’t find any words. He wanted to disavow this whole babyfication thing but found he was too weak to resist what Lesley was doing to him. He simply allowed himself to be bathed and diapered and dressed every morning, and put into his high chair or stroller, or into his play-cage. All he could do as he stood in the middle of the living room was try to hide his face and wish the floor would open and swallow him.

“Lift the edges of your dress for us, Tamsin sweetheart,” said Denise. “Oh look at the soft lacework on those petticoats, everyone. Doesn’t he look sweet?”

“Do you feel sweet inside your petticoats, babykins?” Jayne wanted to know.

The object of their admiration gave a deep squirm from the waist and slithered his knees together in cruel embarrassment. Everyone perked up at hearing the first little sobs from his throat.

“I think Baby Tamsin is so feminine now,” said Alexandra, “and so babyish that it’s in his little PEE-PEE that he is feeling very sweet.”

His response to this tease was a moan of barely suppressed misery. It drew an ironic “Ahhhhhhh!” from all sides.

“Baby will want to show you all how sweet he is feeling in his pee-pee,” Lesley assured them. She reached under his petticoats and caught the waist elastic of the pale pink bloomers and drew them down, off his white plastic pants so that she could arrange them round his knees. Peter Slim moaned again, trying to stop its escape with a satin mitten over his mouth.

“Let’s just un-pop these baby pants,” pursued his mother-in-law. “The Ladies can’t wait to see Baby’s diaper.” She un-popped down the left thigh, then down the right as everyone cooed and gasped: “You’re plastic panties are lovely, darling.” “No wonder you are feeling sweet, wearing lovely popper panties for Mommy.”

His diaper came into view, in deep fluffy plastic-coated padding with pink girly faces down the front to warn of wetness. Some of them were dissolving. “Ohhh, Baby Tamsin needs changing,” sighed Jayne. “She’s ready to do her baby jobs.”

Peter’s tears ran freely down his cheeks as he burst out crying and tried to cross his legs to hide his diaper. But it was too thick. FAR too thick, So it remained bulky and wide and made him feel ever so babyish and girly. As Lesley undid his tabs, down the left and down the right, she could draw the front of the thick, wide diaper down in front of his dangling plastic panties and his bloomers, and there was Baby Tamsin’s genital for all the women to see – standing upright and actually throbbing.

“Noooooo!” he sobbed, aching with emotions. “I don’t want you to see my pee-pee!”

But the ladies were “Ahhhhhhhh-ing” in profound maternal love and amusement. Their baby was helpless and he was suffering miseries of shame in front of them, with nowhere to hide. So all his pee-pee could do was to surrender in unavoidable jerks of humiliation as his white squirts of cum shot up and down in front of him, narrowly missing the neat high heels of his laughing admirers.


This is one of 690 Prim pictures at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com

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Source: wwwprimspetticoatwendyhouse.com
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A lovely story. I wish it was me    
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Poor Peter. He must be sooo ashamed!
Anything PRIM is Wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
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