Sissy baby, and bathing suit
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SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
SISSY BEACH DAY - Sissy baby, and bathing suit, Sissy bathing suit , Adult Babies,Diaper Lovers,Sissy Fashion
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Mommy says, Get ready for a beach day! I’m put in thick cloth diapers, pink plastic pants, a very sissy 2 piece bathing suit, and of course a harness/reins, with a long leash, (the leash will be tied to the umbrella). Oh, and the pink “SISSY” bow for my hair too. 
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Now that is a very colorful swim suit for sure 
I hope you have a thick nappy on it will save changing you at the beach. Nice swim suit   
Baby Puss
@ sissybabysamantha2
  lol, I hope so too. It should be ok, if I don’t get near the water. I won’t on my own, my leash will see to that! 
I’m wearing my extra thick terry cloth nappy, and a number or cloth soaker pads, plus one big long soaker. Let’s put it this way, I must waddle when I walk, and my big diapered bootie sways from side to side.  No way to put my legs together! 
lil sissie's Mummy
Love Your swim suit Baby Puss looks like a fun day at the beach 
Baby Butch
Very colorful bathing suit but don't forget the sunscreen. Mommy could leash you to a trash can right next to the concession stand. You would draw more attention this way! Great post and you are looking good. : ) 
Baby Puss
@ Baby Butch
  LoL, thanks Baby Butch. Well, maybe the trash can wouldn’t be to bad, I can help throw stuff in, that missed getting in the first time. And, maybe I can get lots of ice cream, from the concession stand? 🍦
Hiya Baby Puss! Oh wow! what a wonderful rainbow vision you are. The colours are lovely and very eye catching - and that's before the beach goers see exactly what you're wearing! Mind you don't get sand in your nappy or you'll end up with a sore bum without having to be naughty (giggles).
Just gotta say sweetie, love that hair - just delightful. xxxx
Baby Puss
@ kay3070
  Thanks Kay, I’m afraid there’s no avoiding sand in ones nappy. Especially if, mommy takes you down to jump in the waves. Then it’s a trip up to the showers, where your nappy, plastic panties, and bathing suit get held open to wash some of the sand off. Gonna have one very sandy, saggy diaper before we get home. 
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