PG 13 New Diaper Cover
Got my new cover and wanted to show it off
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New Diaper Cover - Got my new cover and wanted to show it off, Sissy,diaper,cover,abdl,nappy,messing,wetting, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Wetting The Bed,Bondage,Diaper Lovers New Diaper Cover - Got my new cover and wanted to show it off, Sissy,diaper,cover,abdl,nappy,messing,wetting, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Wetting The Bed,Bondage,Diaper Lovers
New Diaper Cover - Got my new cover and wanted to show it off, Sissy,diaper,cover,abdl,nappy,messing,wetting, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Wetting The Bed,Bondage,Diaper Lovers
New Diaper Cover - Got my new cover and wanted to show it off, Sissy,diaper,cover,abdl,nappy,messing,wetting, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Wetting The Bed,Bondage,Diaper Lovers
New Diaper Cover - Got my new cover and wanted to show it off, Sissy,diaper,cover,abdl,nappy,messing,wetting, Adult Babies,Thumb Sucking,Wetting The Bed,Bondage,Diaper Lovers
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My new locking diaper cover came in a few wreks ago and wanted to show it off!
I love the design and it does lock so that has been so nice to have. I have been locking the keys to the lock in one of those snack cages that has a timer on it so when I wake up I can't unlock it right away (not that I want to anyways). But sometimes it comes in handy if I really don't want to use my nappies when I wake up but have no choice. I woke up, slightly wet and really wanted out of the diaper cuz it was colder than expected and didn't notice I still had to wear it for 3 more hours. It has been a treat and good reminder that when I am in baby mode, I don't get to make decisions like when I get a change.
The firat pics just show off the cover but in the last 2 that was a afternoon pic nd next morning pic. Kinda like a before and after. Hope you all like and sorry for typing alot. Have a good night ladies!
Gallery Images by Joan Sells
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Super cute diaper cover where did you get it from you’re so cute 
Joan Sells
@ trevor
  omg, thank you!
I ended up getting this one from DependEco. They have tons of designs, and non-locking covers as well. 
@ Joan Sells
  I love it so cute and you’re welcome and you’re pajamas are super cute also 
That is a very cute nappy cover   
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