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On the date:
October 25th, 2018 ~ 1:57 pm
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There is no interest in this story, that's a real shame, they will never know what they are missing, not only a good piece of science fiction, the central character at the end becomes a Sissy Adult Baby for life, in a sequence of unexpected events. Oh well, thanks for the vote, but sadly it's not enough to make me want to post this story.
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R LEGEND. (Story Proposal)
A Legend Is Born.
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To entice you, but also to get your views please before I post this possible little nugget of a story. Though it might not be for all sissies here. It's sci-fi with a Sissy Adult Baby Theme thrown into the mix, but it is my own personal take on an existing novel.

Prelude To Foundation:

(Copy & Paste Link into your web browser)

The Sissy Adult Baby part comes quite late on in the story. I can say this without spoiling things far too much. I'll let you decide and let the votes determine this stories fate or fortune. This story is complete, with images. It is in no way however a direct copy of Prelude To Foundation. I have remained faithful in my own way to the novel itself, but much has been changed for my personal vison/take on this story.

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Baby Butch
Greetings SissyBabyPet, I just found this and you always post good stories. My problem is I Have bad eyes and don't care to read a Novel. If it is not real long I will read it when able to read and enjoy the story. LOL Baby Butch : )     Great image!
@ Baby Butch

  Awww, so sorry to hear that Baby Butch. I'm even more sorry to say that this story is a long one. Doing it short would have not done the novel any real justice. Do not worry about it, I'll delete this post later on and won't post this particular story. Obviously no one else is showing any interest in it, so I'll simply keep this one to myself. All of that aside, thank you for the vote, I sincerely appreciate it.


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