R Kevin’s Shame at the Women’s Meeting --- by Prim
Kevin suffers agonies of shame at the Mothers’ Meeting now that everyone can see he has become Baby Karen.
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 Kevin’s Shame at the Women’s Meeting   ---   by Prim


Beatrice Lake stood on the platform at the Puffin County Mother’s Meeting, grinning with satisfaction at the thrill of feminine control the members were about to enjoy. “Hello girls,” she said. “I’m happy to say we have a completely babyfied husband for your delight today. Kevin Garner has shown total failure as a husband. He has been certified as sexless and reduced to infantile weakness. Shall we welcome onto the stage his recently released wife Trudi Lambert with her husband, and her mother Frances who keeps him at her home as her perpetual baby girl.”

The women applauded, almost shaking with excitement. They loved to see terrified husbands, especially when they see that every woman in the world is against them and they cry with hopelessness. From the back of the hall, Frances and Trudi made their way towards the front, leading between them a ridiculous figure in a pink and white bonnet. They had him in a shiny plastic cape which barely reached his waist, revealing the elastic legs of a white baby’s romper. The cape had a deep upturned collar which was buttoned shut up the front to hide his face, so that he might be able to hear the giggling excitement but certainly couldn’t see the women who were laughing at him. When the little party was up on stage and everyone had taken their seats with racing heart-beats, the baby’s Mother-In-Law introduced him.

“Hello Ladies. Trudi and I are thrilled to be here, to show you her husband – and to make him available to you not only to change the baby after our talk and demonstration, but to rent him out to any ladies who might want to baby him for a little while in the comfort of your own homes.”

The women were ecstatic. “I’ll take him!” cired Jen Farrell. “And I’ll take him home so that my daughters can practise looking after the baby,” called out Phyllis Maple. Everyone laughed, then fell instinctively silent as Trudi began to unbutton her husband’s cape collar, revealing his bonnet in full, and then his mortified face.

The women were beside themselves, holding their faces and even holding their crotches through their skirts, because as Kevin Garner’s eyes fell on the size and nature of his audience, his face grew instantly crimson and crumpled into sexless adult tears.

“Oh Frances,” he blubbered as the onlookers fell silent to hear his wretched words, “please take me home. Ohhh boo-hoo-hoo! Oh please take me away, Momsy, or put me in your coat, so that the Ladies can’t see I’m a baby! Oh boo-hoo-hooooo!”

“Well, Karen pet,” replied his Mother-In-Law as his cape was removed and he was revealed in his sweet white baby romper, “remember you’re not just a baby, you are my Baby GIRL, aren’t you darling?”

A rush of sobs overwhelmed him and he tried to cover his crying, but Frances and Trudi moved his hands from his face and held them by his sides so that every woman on all sides could enjoy seeing his abject misery coming out in a stream of tears as he begged first his Mother-In-Law and then his Wife to take him away.

“Here, my little sweetie,” soothed Frances, presenting him with his pacifier. “Baby girls need to do sucky-suckies on their lickel binkie when nice Ladies are sitting watching them. Now, let’s see how Baby Karen’s diaper is feeling shall we? Let’s see if our lickel Baby Girl is feeling very sweet and babyish inside this loverly fluffy diaper.” And the two of them punched and plucked at his diaper all around him, paying special attention to the prominent upward bulge at the front of his romper.

That bulge was going to receive a lot of personal attention from the Ladies as the afternoon continued. And then Kevin wasn’t going to go home with his Momsie-In-Law, nor with his Wife, because the list was already onto a second page of women who couldn’t wait to ‘mother’ little Baby Karen at their own homes.


Visit the Wendyhouse at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm and read Aunt Frocks’ latest Newsletter, which is addressed to you.
Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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Baby Puss
Nice story, and loved the photo with. 
Lovely story . I think Kevin is very lucky  
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