R Exposed to my family and friends
My BabyMama exposed to every one! My little sister called my mom telling her people are sending her pictures of her big brother in little girl Pull-ups. My mom called me and told me everyone knows I wear little girl Pull-ups.
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Source: My Mom called me telling my little sister was getting pictures of her big brother in little girl Pull-ups. She said everyone knows and found out I wear little girl Pull-ups. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.! Everyone knows I wear little girl diapers. My told me that they sent it to my older too. Both my sister seen my dressed like a little girl in Pull-ups. I we'll never be taken seriously as a Man again. Follow my Instagram page sims_abdl
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Erica lee day
Is there anything else your mom said to you now?  Do your sisters  Approve of your new lifestyle? 
@ Erica lee day
  My mom sent me a picture my BabyMama sent her. It was my Instagram with pictures of me in little girl Pull-ups.  At the top of my Instagram page it said. Just a pathetic BabyDaddy who lost he's BabyMama. Now am a diaper sissy bitchMy mom sent me pictures of me in little girl Pull-ups and said to answer my phone. I did and she let me know that my BabyMama and a lot of her friends sent pictures of me in little girl Pull-ups to my little sister. My little sister called my mom and told her people are sending her pictures of her big brother in little girl diapers. Her friends and everyone we're letting her know I wear little girl Pull-ups. My mom told me on the phone everyone knows I wear little girl Pull-ups. My heart sunk hearing all of this out loud. My mind was racing I couldn't believe my two sister where sent pictures of there brother in little girl Pull-ups. My masculinity was slipping away and there was nothing I could do about it but admit it. My sister see more like a diaper sissy know but don't say it.  Ask more if u like🥴🥴🥴 
Erica lee day
 Aww so sorry to hear that sissy mouse. But your dress and girl pull-ups are cute and you fit them perfectly.  Embrace it and tell your mom and sisters  you are baby girl.  Tell your mommy thank you.  Does your baby mommy  treat you like a little baby girl 24/7 every day?   Do you get fed baby food/ baby formula too? 
Erica Lee day 
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