R 229 - Buying Their Own Lingerie
Roger and Henry have been sent to town to buy their lingerie. To make it more interesting, they must give Miss Desiree and her assistant their wives phone numbers so that the women can discuss the transactions.
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229 - Buying Their Own Lingerie              by Prim


Roger Remmington and Henry Myles-Sweetman were turning to jelly in their stomachs as they approached the counter in the lingerie store their Mothers-In-Law had ordered them to visit: the small but extremely feminine Miss Desiree’s Delicate Delights. Not only were they both wearing terribly girlish little dresses: they were also confronted by the forbidding countenance of Miss Layce Desiree herself behind the counter.

“Well? What do you two want?” she demanded. “I suppose you are expecting me to open a dozen pairs of women’s panties across the counter, for you to get stiff over and cum in your girlie lingerie?”

Roger quailed with shame under her gaze, and to make matters worse, her assistant Colleen was a girl barely in her twenties. He gathered his courage to get started on the ritual his wife had written out for him. “G-Good morning Miss Desiree. P-Please can I see some nice sets of your prettiest lingerie: b-bra, p-panties and g-garter-belts – please?”

He knew his face was turning a deep red, especially since Colleen wore a grin of scorn as she looked at the dress he was wearing in lilac silk with a big white sissy collar and pretty ribbon bows all round in purple satin. Henry stood beside him, dressed in maroon satin, and their dresses just wouldn’t stop bouncing with girly rustles.

“I thought so. Is this your idea, to go shopping for panties wearing your little girl dresses? Or have you been sent out to buy your own lingerie?”

This was the moment Roger was dreading. He had to come clean. “Er we have been sent, ma’am, by our wives,” he said, “and their mothers.” Then a frisson of nerves shot through him as he had to hand over the card Marion had given him. “Here is my w-w-wife’s number, ma’am – if you want to talk to her.”

She took it and got her phone. “Hello. Marion Remmington? I’ve got your husband in front of me. And his pantywaist boyfriend. He says he wants to see sets of women’s lingerie.”

Both the sissies had stiff cocks inside their panties as she listened over the phone while pulling open one drawer after another and bringing out the most fabulous sets of undies: pink sets and blue sets, and sets with white lace trimming on the cups and garters. “He’s looking quite faint, Missus Remmington,” went on Miss Desiree. “I think he knows he’s going to be wearing some really feminine lingerie when he gets them home.”

To be honest, Roger was close to fainting, especially when he saw the silky satin lingerie she brought out next. Henry was the same, because Colleen had really hit it off with his wife over the phone and she had a growing display of panties and bras across the counter for him. He moaned with desire, and it brought Roger even further into a dream-world of panty pleasure – only he wasn’t dreaming: she was packing the panty sets into pink carrier bags marked Miss Desiree’s Delicate Delights, and saying good-bye to Marion.

“So there we are, you pathetic panty-boy,” she said, lining up the bags on the counter for him. “I suppose you’ll be only too pleased to wear all these when your wife has you at home again. Just make sure you don’t spoil it with any of that disgusting male cum you have in you.”

Henry and Roger thanked them, took their bags and almost ran. She was right, they thought. Once they got home they’d be begging their wives to change them into one of their lovely new sets of girly lingerie: suspenders for their stockings, a bra for their female tits and panties for their girly clitties.


There are 750 Prim pics in the Petticoat Wendyhouse, nearly all of them with a Prim story, at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm 
Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
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