R 208 – David’s Lingerie Party
David Pettifer’s wife and Mother-In-Law stage a party for their female friends to use their own lingerie to dress him and bring out his feminine pleasure.
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 David’s Lingerie Party                       by Prim


“Come in, Ladies, make yourselves at home. Most of us are here already, playing with little David.” Rosemary Pettifer was in heaven. Her husband was going to be surrounded by their female friends all evening, and he would be plied with the sweetest of their lingerie to his heart’s content.

“I’ve brought him six pairs of my French knickers, Rosemary,” said her friend Estelle as she handed over a large carrier bag, “and two of my nylon nightdresses. Does he like you to put him into nightdresses dear?”

“Mother has him in her nightdresses every evening, darling. And the panties? Oh they’re lovely. He’ll die with pleasure!”

“I brought him mine too,” said Clara, handing over her bag. “I’m so thrilled you invited us to dress him in our intimates. He must be such a sissy though.”

“Oh he is. Come and see for yourselves.”

In the sitting room there was a delightful party atmosphere that only women can create when they are feeling aroused and maternal too. And it was their darling David Pettifer who was bringing out their mothering instincts. His Mother-In-Law Marjorie had him under her wing. She also had him in one of her satin bra and panty sets.

“You look so sweet, David darling,” she was saying as she caressed the length of his penis inside its three pairs of panties. “You must be feeling so feminine in your lingerie – and amongst so many women.”

“Y-Yes thank you Marjorie,” he replied and he managed a faint smile. His feelings were so aroused that it was difficult for him to stand, never mind have a conversation.

“Let me show you how pretty my petticoat slip is, David darling,” said Missus Worthington. “Would you like me to take it off and dress you in it for the Ladies?”

David felt even weaker at the idea, but it was irresistible. “Oh I’d love you to, ma’am,” he managed.

Missus Worthington drew her lemon silk petticoat up over her head and let it fall back into shape. Underneath she was wearing a matching brassiere and panty, and her suspender belt was in lemon silk too. She threaded her slip onto her hands as David presented her with his head, and she allowed it to drop around him with whispers of feminine elegance.

Rosemary’s husband shivered with ecstasy and gazed in wrapt blissfulness at the petticoat that surrounded him to below his knees. “Well, darling,” urged his Mother-In-Law, “how do you show your gratitude to Missus Worthington?”

David summoned enough strength to speak and act. “Th-Thank you so much, Missus Worthington. I feel so feminine in your lovely slip.” He held its sides in his finger tips and reached forward with his lips to acknowledge her tender loving care. And she reached forward too, clasping him in her arms and smothering his mouth with a long, wet, open-mouthed kiss. The first of many for David as his lingerie party filled the night, with panties, corselets, nightdresses and kisses. Lots of dominant, passionate, tongue-filled kisses.


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Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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I remember when I was outed to a neighbor after they caught me dressed. The walls had ears as I overheard plans to bring me to their friends apartment and dress me as a girl.
A nice story  
Baby Butch
David is a prim and proper sissy appreciating dressing feminine like he does. The ladies are a fun group to be associated with. Great short story and image! 
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