R 113 - Strict Discipline for Robert Jenkins
The Headmistress is furious at the poor results of Mister Jenkins’ senior girls. He must pay by teaching them while wearing the girls’ school uniform.
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 113 - Strict Discipline for Robert Jenkins          by Prim


“The exam results of your class, Mister Jenkins, are shameful, and I hold you entirely responsible.” Moira Harness scowled at him as he stood on the opposite side of her desk and hung his head. “It’s all I would expect from a teacher whose classroom is a sight. And when was the last time you bought yourself a new jacket, or even changed your tie? What a disgraceful example you are to my senior girls,” and she slammed the palm of her hand down on the table making him jump.

The young teacher thought he had better say something. An apology. Promises to do better. “I-I’m sorry, Miss Har- ”

“You are going to SHOW me how sorry you are, Robert Jenkins. And you can show the girls too. From now on I’ll put you into school uniform. You are no better than my girls, in fact you’re far worse. It will be a PRIVILEGE for you to wear their uniform, as from today. Now get stripped at once.

Robert could hardly believe his ears. She could not be serious. Nevertheless, as the Principal strode across her study and opened the closet, he began removing his tie and undoing his shirt. She was back a moment later, to see about removing his pants.

“Come along, we’ve all got work to do, and you need to be dressed accordingly. Now step into these.”

She stooped to his feet and expected him to step in. It was a pair of girl’s school panties, in white cotton. Oh no! His scalp felt a shock at the thrill that ran through him as she pulled them up his bare legs. This was so sensual, churning his emotions.

“Your penis is extending, Mister Jenkins,” she observed. “Why am I not surprised. It leads me to wonder if you’ve been mentally undressing the girls in front of you and putting yourself into their uniforms. Is that correct?”

“Oh no! No, Miss Harness! I would never do that!”

“Well you don’t need to dream any more, my boy, because you’re going to be WEARING your schoolgirl uniform every day. You will report to my study at 8am, and I’ll set up a rota of girls to be here to take off your pants and put you into your blouse and skirt.”

Robert Jenkins’ head was swirling round. He was staggering as his white blouse was being fastened for him. What would the girls think? What would they be saying to each other in his classes? And the horrific part of it was, he was feeling so excited as Miss Harness pulled his petticoat slip up his legs and hooked it over his erect cock.

Oh my god, should he ask her if she would allow him to wear a girdle, to keep his erection tight to his belly? He would have to, and then she might put him into suspenders and stockings. What a thought!


There are over 700 Prim stories and 750 Prim pics at www.primspetticoatwendyhouse.com/feminization.htm

Source: primspetticoatwendyhouse.com
Gallery Images by AbbySweetness
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Lucky Robert Jenkins getting spanked and having to wear school girl uniform   
Yes Samantha, but his babygirl bottie is so SORE! 
@ AbbySweetness
  Maybe the girls should put him in a nappy it would be nice on his sore bottie 
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