my wish
this is what i require for a wish to be granted
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*i had dreamt life was beauty and woke up and found out life was duty*
*it is better to be thought the fool and remain silent then to open your mouth and remove all doubt*
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 I still prefer the old fashion way


  I still prefer the old fashion way


The trouble is that now with the strong fairy unions which have formed, it is almost impossible to get quality help without paying through the roof. Let alone having to book your wish several months in advance when most Fairy Hotlines now lack 800 numbers and often have their call centers in India.

There's also a problem with the ratio of falling stars and the number of wishing children which has been occuring for the last hundred or so years and is the leading contributer to global warming (just think about how much heat all those captured stars are generating!!!).

When you add it all up, a virtual wishing experience might end up causing you a lot less stress and headache...unless the Total Recall people get their hands on the technology.

I myself have moved on to using Rock Fairys. They are in low demand, they don't move around much so you can always find them, they seldom complain when you overwish but can be a bit slippery when wet. Crap, now that I have said that though everyone is going to be asking for a Rock Fairy this Christmas...I better start buying some bulk rate wishes while they are still cheap.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
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