PG Trouble with Picture Uploads
I can upload images to use in postings, but I'm trying to upload a gallery. I'm also trying to put the picture on mysissyspace. But I'm not understanding how to do that.
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I am having troubling uploading my pictures.  Can anyone help me with this?
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Me too - I want to upload a picture of a gorgeous girl as my avatar. Please help!  
~*Christie Luv*~
Hi sweetie! ^_^ Are they captions? I usually make the galleries if they are making content to entertain sissies, like sissy captions.

Though if they are just photos you can make a new post as usual, select to post an image, and you can put multiple images in one post. When you're browsing your computer for images, you can simply highlight multiple images, and that will add multiple images to the topic. 

To add photos to your Sissy Space you can to to your Sissy Space, and go to the design page. Then drage the tag at the bottom of the page that says "Image" anywhere you want the image to be. It will show you how to display an image from there. Make sure to save your design when your done.

You can also press the "Your Stuff" tab at the bottom of the screen, and press "Your Photos" Images uploaded to there will show up in your photos on your Sissy Space.

Feel free to let me know if you have anymore questions. :) 
 Thank you so much, Christie!  I will try again.  xoxo
What kind of post would you like to make?
To post certain kinds of posts, like images, audios, or videos you need to be signed in first.