PG 13 smooth and pretty
need smooth skin
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i need to get smooth skin my master wont want a rough skinned sissy any tips?
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~*Christie Luv*~
Hi sweetie! You can use body lotion 2-3 times a week. I buy 2 big bottles of Aveeno lotion *here* It's a good deal. Aveeno has all the best reviews on the internet which is why I use it, and from personal experience it's a great lotion. 

You can also use body sponges, or loofas once a week in the shower. They remove dead skin cells, which create smooth skin. Using it more than once a week is bad because new skin can't grow, and it could end up making flaky skin.

There is also creams to make your skin glow, or shimmer for those fun nights ^_~.
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